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英语时事  2017-01-19 09:440
Sydney chef Travis Harvey advises carving all turkey and ham from the bone after Christmas to ensure it stays fresh.
As long as they are carved shortly after cooking, slices of turkey and ham can be stored in the freezer in a container for up to three months, Mr Harvey says in a post for OzHarvest.
To make prawns last longer, peel them before storing in the freezer for up to three months, according to Mr Harvey.
Mr Harvey also advises freezing prawn shells first before disposing of them to avoid a smelly rubbish bin.
According to the NSW Environment Protection Authority's Love Food Hate Waste page, if your freezer can maintain a temperature of minus 18°C or colder, lean seafood such as prawns, bream, whiting, snapper, lobsters and scallops will keep for nine months to a year.
But fatty seafood, such as mullet, will keep for only three to four months.
'If freezing fish, clean and prepare it as if you were going to eat it and freeze as fillets. You can freeze a whole clean fish, if you want to cook and serve it whole. Make sure you label and date the fish,' the website advises.
Chances are you weren't able to get through the entire cake after holiday dinner - but fortunately they can last a good while when stored in an airtight container.
If a cake has been iced after it has cooled, that can help increase its shelf-life by cutting down on moisture loss and preventing it from going stale.
Love Food Hate Waste advises wrapping cakes tightly in clingfilm or foil to remove any air before freezing.
Frozen cakes with icing will last for about three months and for six months without icing.
Soft cheeses, like Camembert, should be stored in waxed cheese paper or baking paper.
Food experts advise people to avoid using plastic wrap because it will cause the cheese to sweat.
Blue cheese can be wrapped in foil, but remember to change the foil every few days as acidity will attack the foil.
Hard cheeses, like cheddar or Parmesan, can be stored in plastic wrap or airtight containers.
If you bought far too many eggs to holiday baking, but didn't end up using them all, not to worry. The easiest way to store them is in the fridge in the carton they came in.
Test for freshness by checking if the egg sinks in a bowl or glass of water. Fresh eggs will stay at the bottom, but stale eggs float to the top.
But if your want to store for longer, eggs can be frozen too.
According to Love Food Hate Waste, you lightly beat whole eggs and add either a teaspoon of salt or a tablespoon of sugar for every six eggs.
Freeze the eggs in small amounts of one or two and they should keep for up to 10 months.
Use the salted yolks in savoury dishes and the sugared yolks for cakes, custards and desserts - but don't forget to label them - and use the eggs straight away when thawed, in dishes that require cooking only.




All the furniture in the room had much carving.房间里所有的家具上都有许多雕刻。

He acquired the craft of wood carving in his native town.他在老家学会了木雕手艺。




I'm not very keen on fish, but prawn.我不是特别爱吃鱼,但爱吃对虾。

Yesterday we ate prawn dish for lunch.昨天午餐我们吃了一盘对虾。


prawns解释:n.对虾,明虾( prawn的名词复数 )


Mine was a picture of four translucent prawns, with two small fish swimming above them. 给我画的是四只虾,半透明的,上画有两条小鱼。 来自汉英文学 - 现代散文

Shall we get some shrimp and prawns? 我们要不要买些小虾和对虾? 来自无师自通 校园英语会话




There's an excellent seafood restaurant near here.离这儿不远有家非常不错的海鲜馆。

Shrimps are a popular type of seafood.小虾是比较普遍的一种海味。


bin解释:n.箱柜;vt.放入箱内;[计算机] DOS文件名:二进制目标文件


He emptied several bags of rice into a bin.他把几袋米倒进大箱里。

He threw the empty bottles in the bin.他把空瓶子扔进垃圾箱。


lobsters解释:龙虾( lobster的名词复数 ); 龙虾肉


I have no idea about how to prepare those cuttlefish and lobsters. 我对如何烹调那些乌贼和龙虾毫无概念。

She sold me a couple of live lobsters. 她卖了几只活龙虾给我。




This plant prefers alkaline soil,though it will readily tolerate some acidity.这种植物在酸性土壤中也能生存,但硷性土壤更加适宜。

Gastric acidity would not prevent the organism from passing into the gut.胃的酸度不能防止细菌进入肠道。




Add one teaspoon of sugar.加一小茶匙糖。

I need a teaspoon to stir my tea.我需要一把茶匙搅一搅茶。




The little girl's smile thawed the angry old man. 小姑娘的微笑使发怒的老头缓和下来。 来自《简明英汉词典》

He thawed after sitting at a fire for a while. 在火堆旁坐了一会儿,他觉得暖和起来了。 来自《简明英汉词典》


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