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研究:气候变化导致阿拉斯加河流变为橙色Alaskan rivers turning orange due to climate change, study finds
几年前,人们惊讶地发现,美国阿拉斯加数十条河流里的水变成了“橙汁”。研究指出,事实上,这是被铁锈污染的河流,而铁锈则来自因全球变暖而融化的冻土。 卫报截图 Do


中国城市将健康码转变为地质灾害预警 - Chinese city turns health code into geological disaster warning


邻国欢迎叙利亚重返联盟 - Neighbors welcome Syria's return to league


中国诺贝尔奖获得者莫言向ChatGPT寻求帮助,为著名作家余华撰写获奖感言 - Chinese Nobel Prize winner Mo Yan turns to ChatGPT for help
周二,在上海举行的中国文学双月刊(每年六次)杂志《收获》65周年纪念活动上,莫言透露,中国诺贝尔奖得主莫言曾寻求查特GPT的帮助,为另一位著名的中国作家余华撰写引文。余华是两部最受欢迎的中国现代文学小说《活着》和《兄弟》的作者,最近凭借他的新小说《文成》(the Lo


房地产温和复苏势头强劲 - Mild real estate recovery seen turning substantial


美国向中国归还两件重要文物 - U.S. returns two important cultural relics to China
(ECNS)-据中国驻纽约总领事馆称,中国于周二收到了从美国归还的两件重要石刻文物 领事 全体的 在里面 新 约克 Huang(黄) 发出砰的声响 在纽约曼哈顿地区检察官办公室举行的仪式上,与美方签署了文物归还协议。这些石刻可以追溯到北魏和唐朝(公元386年至907年),拥有重要的


国际刑警组织红色通缉令上的中国逃犯在逃七年后自首 - Chinese fugitive on Interpol Red Notice turns himself in after at large f


俄罗斯在“关键转折点”表彰团结 - Russia honors unity at 'key turning point'
俄罗斯总统弗拉基米尔·普京(Vladimir Putin)周二在纪念第二次世界大战战胜纳粹德国周年的游行中表示,告诉告诉二战活动,乌克兰纪念欧洲日,西方发动了一场“真正的战争”。世界正处于关键转折点,西方的“野心勃勃”对俄罗斯发动了“真正的大战”。“今天,文明再次处于决定性的转折点。一场真正的战争已经对我们的祖国发动。我们击退了国际恐怖主义,我们将保护


Reusable spacecraft returns after 276-day test - Reusable spacecraft returns after 276-day test
Spacecraft: Wide range of applications foreseenChina's reusable experimental spacecraft returned to Earth on Monday morning after completing a 276-day orbital journey, according to the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in the country's northwester


Syria returns to Arab League in 'landmark event' amid reconciliation wave and U.S.' w
Arab League member states have agreed to reinstate Syria's membership after its suspension 12 years ago, said a statement the bloc issued after a meeting on Sunday, which experts see as a "landmark event" amid a series of progressive steps


Giant panda Ya Ya returns to China - Giant panda Ya Ya returns to China
(ECNS) -- Ya Ya, female giant panda that has lived in the United States for two decades, returned to Shanghai boarding a homeward-bound plane on Thursday.She needs to undergo quarantine for inspection in Shanghai for around 30 days first according to regu


Giant panda Ya Ya to return to China - Giant panda Ya Ya to return to China
Female giant panda Ya Ya, having lived in the United States for two decades, will return to China within the next few days, according to the National Forestry and Grassland Administration.As arranged by the Chinese and U.S. sides, she will board a homewar


Japanese hold rally urging return of relics looted from China - Japanese hold rally urging return of
A Japanese civil group held a rally here on Saturday to call on the government to return Chinese relics stolen by Japanese soldiers during World War II.The Japanese society should face up to and liquidate the crimes of cultural aggression during the Japan


Q1 data herald realty market turnaround - Q1 data herald realty market turnaround
Recovery of industry appears possible as demand solidifies, policies succeedOverall property sales gained traction in the first quarter, with the residential segment ending a yearlong contraction, data from the National Bureau of Statistics showed.This, e


China's foreign trade returns to growth - China's foreign trade returns to growth
China's total goods imports and exports expanded 4.8 percent year on year in the first quarter of 2023, reversing a decline of 0.8 percent in the first two months of the year, official data showed Thursday.Foreign trade has been improving over the pa


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