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Nord Stream 2管道不再泄漏天然气:DEA - Nord Stream 2 pipeline no longer leaking natural gas: DEA


中国对Nord Stream管道泄漏表示担忧 - China voices concern over Nord Stream pipeline leaks


Nord Stream管道的天然气泄漏周日才会停止:DEA - Gas leaks from Nord Stream pipelines not to cease until Sunday: DEA
丹麦能源署(DEA)局长克里斯托弗·博特佐(Kristoffer Bottzauw)周三表示,北溪管道的天然气泄漏将持续到本周末。丹麦通讯社Ritzau称:“我们预计,到本周末,天然气将从管道中逸出。三处泄漏处仍有大量天然气流出。管道中的压力似乎有所下降,因此流出的天然气比昨天稍少,我们预计在未来几天也会看到这一情况。”


丹麦PM:Nord Stream管道泄漏“故意行为” - Danish PM: Nord Stream pipeline leaks 'deliberate actions'
丹麦首相梅特·弗雷德里克森(Mette Frederiksen)周二在这里表示,丹麦政府认为北溪天然气管道泄漏是“蓄意行为”。弗雷德里克森告诉记者:“当局的明确评估是,这些是蓄意行为。这不是意外。”。周一,丹麦和瑞典官员表示,在丹麦博恩霍姆岛海岸波罗的海海底的两条天然气管道中发现了泄漏,这两条管道分别是Nord Stream 1和其孪生管道Nord Stream2


Livestream为求职者提供生命线 - Livestreams to provide lifeline for job seekers


Gas supplies via Nord Stream 1 pipeline indefinitely halted
The supply of Russian gas to Germany through the Nord Stream 1 pipeline will be interrupted for an indefinite period, due to problems in a k


Germany says Russian gas deliveries halted via Nord Stream 1
Russian gas supplies to Germany via the important Nord Stream 1 pipeline were reduced to zero again on Wednesday, Germany's Federal Network


Russia to shut Nord Stream gas pipeline for 3 days
Russian gas giant Gazprom announced on Friday that it will suspend natural gas delivery to Europe via the Nord Stream 1 pipeline from Aug. 3


Transcript of Ambassador Qin Gang's interview with the U.S. mainstream media
On August 16, Ambassador Qin Gang took a joint interview of the U.S. mainstream media in Washington DC, including Reuters, Associated Press,


HKSAR gov't streamlines testing services for growing Shenzhen-bound travellers
The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) government has taken measures to enhance the capacity for rapid nucleic acid tests at Sh


Minors barred from buying gifts for livestreamers
A new document has banned minors from buying virtual gifts for livestreamers and those under the age of 16 from performing as livestreamers.


Taiwan singer Liu Genghong goes viral after fitness livestream
(ECNS) -- Liu Genghong, a Taiwan-born singer, has taken the internet by storm and sparked a fitness wave with his workout livestream on Douy


China to tighten regulation of livestreaming, short videos
The Cyberspace Administration of China (CAC) on Thursday said it will continue to crack down on wrongdoing and malpractice in livestreaming


China to livestream second class from space station
Crew members aboard China's Tiangong space station will livestream their second public lecture on science and space in the near future, the


Years ago a farmer owned land along the Atlantic seacoast. He constantly advertised for hired hands. Most people were reluctant to work on farms along the Atlantic. They dreaded the awful storms that raged across the Atlantic,wreaking havo


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