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Facebook suppressing Hersh's Nord Stream story - Facebook suppressing Hersh's Nord Stream
The question of who blew up the Nord Stream pipelines will likely not go away. But a detailed account by investigative journalist Seymour Hersh, which blamed the United States for the explosions, is facing suppression by Western social media.Hersh's


TOEFL to be shortened, streamlined - TOEFL to be shortened, streamlined
The Test of English as a Foreign Language will be shortened from three hours to less than two hours from July 26, test administrator ETS announced in Beijing on Tuesday.As a result, TOEFL will have streamlined instructions and navigation throughout. A new


An objective, impartial, professional investigation into Nord Stream blasts critically important: FM
A Chinese foreign ministry spokesperson said Monday that it is of vital importance to carry out an objective, impartial and professional investigation into the Nord Stream gas pipeline explosions.Spokesperson Wang Wenbin also said that China supports an e


Russia regrets UNSC decision on probe into Nord Stream blasts - Russia regrets UNSC decision on prob
The Kremlin on Tuesday regretted the decision made by the UN Security Council (UNSC) to reject Russia's request for an independent investigation into the Nord Stream pipeline explosions."We believe that everyone should be interested in an object


Envoy regrets failed bid for UN probe of Nord Stream - Envoy regrets failed bid for UN probe of Nord
Nord Stream: All parties support learning the truthA senior Chinese envoy to the United Nations, Geng Shuang, expressed regret on Monday after a draft resolution to establish a commission to investigate the attacks on the Nord Stream pipelines was rejecte


China supports int'l probe into Nord Stream pipeline issue: envoy - China supports int'l p
China supports the United Nations setting up an international independent commission to investigate the Nord Stream pipeline incident, a Chinese envoy said on Monday.In an explanation of vote, Geng Shuang, China's deputy permanent representative to t


Nord Stream blast motion fails at UN - Nord Stream blast motion fails at UN
A Chinese envoy to the United Nations on Monday expressed regret that a draft resolution to establish a commission to investigate the explosion of the Nord Stream pipelines failed, and he urged an objective, impartial investigation into the blast.The UN S


U.S. rejection of Nord Stream investigation proves its guilt: Lavrov - U.S. rejection of Nord Stream
The U.S. attempt to block a Russian initiative on an international investigation of the Nord Stream sabotage suggests Washington's guilt, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said on Thursday."We have submitted a draft resolution to the UN Sec


China backs Russia's draft resolution on Nord Stream probe: spokesperson - China backs Russia&#
China supports the UN Security Council (UNSC) draft resolution proposed by Russia on the Nord Stream pipeline issue, Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Wang Wenbin said on Wednesday.Wang made the remarks at a regular press briefing in response to a med


UN-led probe urged into Nord Stream explosions - UN-led probe urged into Nord Stream explosions
China hopes some Western member states of the United Nations Security Council will renounce their "selfish geopolitical interests" and play a constructive role in consultations over Russia's draft resolution about Nord Stream gas pipeline e


Putin alleges U.S. behind 'terrorist attack' on Nord Stream pipelines - Putin alleges U.S.
Russian President Vladimir Putin on Tuesday said the theory that Ukrainian activists were involved in the Nord Stream pipelines blast last year is "complete nonsense," alleging the United States is behind what he called a "terrorist attack.


女性直播彩带助力中国乡村振兴 - Female live-streamers boost China's rural revitalization


Nord Stream调查敦促全球努力 - Global efforts urged in Nord Stream probe


中国支持加快对北溪爆炸事件的调查:FM发言人 - China supports speeding up investigation into Nord Stream explosions: FM sp


中国特使要求对北溪事件作出令人信服的解释 - Chinese envoy demands convincing explanations on Nord Stream incident


中国对美国参与北溪爆炸的报道表示担忧 - China expresses concern over reports on U.S. involvement in Nord Stream explosi
中国外交部发言人毛宁周五表示,如果调查记者西摩·赫什(Seymour Hersh)关于美国参与北溪管道爆炸的报道属实,美国应向世界作出负责任的解释,美国潜水员在2022年夏季北约军事演习“波罗的海行动”(BALTOPS)期间,在北溪管道下安装了炸药,并于9月引爆


美国记者报道后,克里姆林宫敦促对北溪事件进行调查 - Kremlin urges investigation into Nord Stream incident following U.S. jour
克里姆林宫发言人德米特里·佩斯科夫(Dmitry Peskov)周四表示,美国记者西摩·赫什(Seymour Hersh)关于北溪天然气管道泄漏的文章证实了对责任人进行调查和惩罚的必要性。他说:“这是一个非常危险的先例。如果有人犯了一次,他可以在世界上任何地方再次犯下这一罪行。没有多少国家可以犯下这种破坏行为。”普利策奖得主赫什说,美国潜水员在北溪大桥下安装了炸药


普利策奖得主调查后,美国敦促解释北溪爆炸事件 - U.S. urged to explain Nord Stream blasts after Pulitzer winner's probe
在震惊世界的北溪天然气管道爆炸六个月后,美国资深调查记者西摩·赫什(Seymour Hersh)的一篇文章指责美国是爆炸的罪魁祸首,但这篇文章立即引发了美国和俄罗斯之间的激烈言语对抗,并在地缘政治上掀起波澜。鉴于美国以往的行为,中国专家认为赫什报告是高度可信的


北溪泄漏的甲烷可能威胁生态系统:研究 - Methane from Nord Stream leakages may threaten ecosystem: research


初步调查显示,Nord Stream管道中的天然气泄漏是由爆炸引起的:丹麦警方 - Preliminary investigations show gas leaks in Nord Stream p
哥本哈根警方在周二的新闻发布会上表示,初步调查证实,“强大的爆炸对丹麦专属经济区的Nord Stream 1和2造成了广泛破坏。”。新闻稿称:“哥本哈根警方在丹麦国防军的协助下,与PET(丹麦安全与情报局)合作,对波罗的海犯罪现场进行了多项初步调查。”。“调查已经


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