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初步调查显示,Nord Stream管道中的天然气泄漏是由爆炸引起的:丹麦警方 - Preliminary investigations show gas leaks in Nord Stream p
哥本哈根警方在周二的新闻发布会上表示,初步调查证实,“强大的爆炸对丹麦专属经济区的Nord Stream 1和2造成了广泛破坏。”。新闻稿称:“哥本哈根警方在丹麦国防军的协助下,与PET(丹麦安全与情报局)合作,对波罗的海犯罪现场进行了多项初步调查。”。“调查已经


调查显示,贸易将渡过难关 - Survey shows trade to ride out stiff odds
周四公布的一项调查显示,尽管面临原材料和能源成本高企等诸多挑战,但中国今年的对外贸易有望保持势头。中国国际贸易促进委员会(China Council for The Promotion of International Trade)的一项调查显示,中国出口商在铁路和航空相关设备制造、造船和汽车等行业的盈利能力在今年第三季度有所提高。困扰外向型企业的主要问题i


新疆发现的千年糕点展示了中国的多元团结 - Preserved 1,000-year-old cake found in Xinjiang shows China’s ‘unity in divers


中国航展将展出空间站组合复制品 - Airshow China set to exhibit space station combination replica


Index shows China's thriving new growth drivers
New development drivers are increasingly underpinning China's growth, adding to economic vitality and innovation capability, an index shows.


China's first domestic HPV vaccine shows 100 pct efficacy in clinical trial
A recent study has found that China's first self-developed HPV vaccine Cecolin can offer female adults full immunity against two types of hu


China's SMEs show stable development in January-July period
China's small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) showed stable development in the first seven months of the year, laying a solid foundation


Space station rice tests show promise
Chinese astronauts have successfully grown rice seedlings onboard the Tiangong space station and this experiment that may yield key insights


NASA pics show extreme drought worsening in U.S. west
The record drought in America's Southwest can be seen from 35,000 kilometers above Earth.Recently released surveillance from the National Ae


Chinese ambassador calls on U.S., UK to handle ties with China by showing respect
Chinese Ambassador to Britain Zheng Zeguang called on the United States and Britain to handle their ties with China by showing respect and a


Iran says 2015 nuclear deal revival possible if U.S. shows flexibility
Iranian foreign minister said on Monday that an agreement on reviving the 2015 nuclear deal is possible in the coming days if the United Sta


Smearing by Truss shows UK hypocrisy, ministry says
China strongly opposes the unwarranted remarks of British Foreign Secretary Liz Truss on the Taiwan question, and has lodged stern represent


Event to showcase global robotics
China is accelerating the development of its burgeoning robotics to boost the digital economy as well as high-quality development, officials


Airshow China 2022 to open in November
(ECNS) -- The 14th China International Aviation & Aerospace Exhibition (Airshow China) will open from November 8 to 13 this year at Zhuhai A


Xi says Marxism shows new vitality in 21st century
Chinese President Xi Jinping said on Thursday that Marxism has been showing new vitality in the 21st century, calling on all Marxist politic


Carbon trading shows worth at anniversary
Nation will promote the expansion of market step by step, senior official saysChina has seen over 194 million metric tons of carbon emission


Former Japanese PM Abe showing no vital signs: Kyodo
Former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is showing no vital signs after being shot Friday by a gunman during a speech in the western city


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