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Yuan's rise in Russia shows currency trend - Yuan's rise in Russia shows currency trend
Emerging economies can diversify FX reserves, boost trade, investmentThe renminbi's record high share in Russia's currency trading in March confirms an emerging trend that more commodity-exporting economies are accepting the Chinese currency as


China's economy showing strong momentum in blooming season - China's economy showing stron
The tantalizing aroma of fresh coffee fills the air as staff from Italian coffee giant Illycaffe arrange their booth for the upcoming third China International Consumer Products Expo (CICPE), slated to open on April 10 in southern China's island prov


Polls show negative views towards Taiwan region leader's trip to US - Polls show negative views
A recent poll found that about 98 percent of respondents have a negative view of the "transit" to the United States by Tsai Ing-wen, the leader of the Taiwan region during a visit to Central American nations.Tsai is reportedly scheduled to visit


Survey shows Chinese level of trust in gov't tops global list - Survey shows Chinese level of t
Among Chinese citizens interviewed by Edelman, a leading global public relations consultancy, 89 percent said that they trust their government, which is the highest percentage of all the countries surveyed, China Daily reported Thursday.The China report o


Consumption showing some signs of resurgence - Consumption showing some signs of resurgence
Consumer demand continued to pick up steam as China ramped up efforts to boost buying sentiment, which experts said will help boost market confidence and promote the overall improvement of profitability.Consumer demand saw a steady recovery as consumer go


Culture and tourism shows set to draw in the public - Culture and tourism shows set to draw in the p
As traditional handicrafts and creative cultural products increasingly appeal to the general public, two national events are expected to further promote that development.The Ministry of Culture and Tourism held a news conference in Beijing, announcing the


Half of Chinese adults not getting 8 hours of sleep, report shows - Half of Chinese adults not getti
About half of Chinese adults sleep less than eight hours every night, a new report said on Friday.The report, released by the Chinese Sleep Research Society, said that last year, Chinese adults slept about 7.4 hours per night on average.The report is base


无人攻击机展现了它的勇气 - Unmanned strike aircraft shows its mettle
据一位项目经理介绍,中国航天科技工业集团公司(China Aerospace Science and Industry Corp.),一家领先的国防承包商,已经进行了数十次试飞,该公司称之为中国最好的无人攻击机之一。“自2021 1月首次试飞以来,WJ-700原型飞机已经进行了数十次飞行,以测试其在高空、高速或长时间运行方面的能力和性能,以及侦察和打击任务。”


失败的H3火箭显示电压水平异常:日本航天局 - Failed H3 rocket shows abnormal voltage levels: Japan's space agency


调查显示内地市场对国际公民有吸引力 - Survey shows mainland market attractive to international citizens


关键地区显示增长计划有效 - Key region shows growth plan effective


美国官方数据显示,尽管存在脱钩言论,但与中国的货物贸易仍创纪录 - U.S. official data show goods trade with China hits record despite


澳门经济呈现加速复苏势头:行政长官 - Macao's economy shows momentum of accelerated recovery: chief executive


人民币资产的吸引力显示了最佳的信心投票 - Attractiveness of RMB assets shows best vote of confidence
1月份,超过1300亿元人民币(193.6亿美元)流入中国大陆A股市场,远超2022年全年的900亿元人民币。国际金融研究所(Institute of International Finance)的数据显示,即使在中国大陆资本市场关闭的农历新年期间,每天流入新兴市场的11亿美元净资金中,仍有约8亿美元流向了与中国资产挂钩的交易所交易基金


数据显示,新冠肺炎在中国人群中已达到顶峰 - COVID-19 has peaked among Chinese populace, figures show
虽然需要重症监护的新冠肺炎患者数量“达到了一个平台”,但全国和地方数据显示,在发热诊所寻求治疗的人数正在下降。据国家卫生委员会(national Health Commission)称,中国大陆的发热诊所周四接收了47万名患者,仅为12月23日峰值的六分之一。在周六的新闻发布会上,该委员会医疗管理局局长焦亚辉表示,经济低迷不仅适用于


中国FM的“非洲之旅”展现了长久的亲密友谊 - Chinese FM's 'tour to Africa first' shows long-lasting close


高铁激增展示了国家的能力 - High-speed rail surge showcases nation's abilities


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