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宇航员在发射仪式后前往火箭 - Astronauts head to the rocket after send-off ceremony


中国将首次搭载神舟十六号载人航天飞机 - China to send 1st civilian into space aboard Shenzhou XVI


内地、澳门发射两颗卫星进入轨道 - Mainland, Macao send two satellites to orbit


恢复高层经济会谈为中澳关系解冻带来了令人鼓舞的迹象 - Resumption of high-level economic talks sends encouraging signs on thaw


Xi对卢旺达洪灾死亡表示哀悼 - Xi sends condolences over flood deaths in Rwanda


Xi sends greetings to working people nationwide ahead of Int'l Workers' Day - Xi sends gre
Chinese President Xi Jinping on Sunday extended festive greetings and best wishes to the country's working people ahead of International Workers' Day, which falls on May 1.Xi, also general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central


President Xi sends congratulatory message to Lanting Forum on Chinese Modernization and the World -
President Xi Jinping on Friday sent a congratulatory message to the Lanting Forum on Chinese Modernization and the World held at the Meet-the-World Lounge in Shanghai.Xi pointed out that realizing modernization is a relentless pursuit of the Chinese peopl


China to send expert team for Thailand to investigate cause of sudden death of 21-year-old giant pan
Giant panda Lin Hui, the 21-year-old star attraction at Chiang Mai Zoo in Thailand, has passed away on Wednesday morning after fainting suddenly the day before. China will dispatch a team of experts to Thailand as soon as possible and carry out a joint in


Memphis Zoo in U.S. holds sendoff for giant panda Ya Ya - Memphis Zoo in U.S. holds sendoff for gian
The Memphis Zoo in Memphis, the U.S. state of Tennessee, held a farewell event for female giant panda Ya Ya on Saturday.Hundreds of people reportedly attended the sendoff at the CHINA exhibit, where they said goodbye to Ya Ya, signed letters, and watched


High-profile Boao forum sends message of robust growth - High-profile Boao forum sends message of ro
In an ever-changing world full of uncertainties, people are in dire need of strong certainty to drive toward a better future.China's certainty is a mainstay that safeguards world peace and development, Chinese Premier Li Qiang said on Thursday at the


Xi sends warm greetings as Ma visits Wuhan - Xi sends warm greetings as Ma visits Wuhan
Song Tao, a senior Taiwan affairs official of the Chinese mainland, conveyed warm greetings from Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, while meeting on Thursday with Ma Ying-jeou in Wuhan, Hubei province.Song, he


Russia to send tactical nukes to Belarus - Russia to send tactical nukes to Belarus
White House remains cautious, says it would 'monitor implications' of planRussia will deploy tactical nuclear weapons in Belarus, President Vladimir Putin said on Saturday, sending a warning to NATO over its military support to Ukraine and escal


Xi sends message of sympathy to Brazilian president over illness - Xi sends message of sympathy to B
Chinese President Xi Jinping on Sunday sent a message of sympathy to Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva over the latter's contraction of influenza and pneumonia.In his message, Xi said that upon learning of Lula's illness and thus hav


欧盟考虑向乌克兰提供更多军事支持 - EU considers sending more military support to Ukraine
周三,在瑞典首都斯德哥尔摩举行的一次非正式会议上,欧盟(EU)国防部长讨论了向乌克兰提供进一步军事支持的想法。瑞典国防部长帕尔·琼森(Pal Jonson)在会后发布的一段视频中表示:“各方越来越一致认为,欧盟需要采取行动,为乌克兰人提供更多弹药。”


Xi致函中国-中亚产业投资合作论坛 - Xi sends congratulatory letter to forum on industry and investment cooperation b


中国再次向叙利亚运送援助物资 - China sends another aid shipment to Syria


中国红十字会向叙利亚地震区派遣救援人员和物资 - China's Red Cross sends rescuers, supplies to Syria earthquake zone


中国总理祝贺“破冰者”2023中国新年庆祝活动 - Chinese premier sends congratulations on 'Icebreakers' 2023 Chin


拜登表示“不”向乌克兰派遣战斗机 - Biden says "no" to sending fighter jets to Ukraine
U、 美国总统乔·拜登周一表示,他不会批准向乌克兰派遣F-16战斗机。“不,”拜登在回答关于做出这样一个决定的可能性的问题时说。在他发言时,拜登从马里兰州巴尔的摩的旅行返回白宫。拜登还表示,他计划访问波兰,但还不知道什么时候。总统发表这番言论之际,有关是否向乌克兰提供武器的争论愈演愈烈。乌克兰与俄罗斯冲突已近一年,与西方国家的武装冲突也愈演愈烈


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