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欧盟预计将勉强避免衰退 - EU forecast to narrowly avoid recession
欧盟委员会(European Commission)上调了今年欧盟的经济增长预测,以勉强避免几个月前预计的衰退。该委员会周一发布的《冬季经济预测》(Winter economic forecast)预测,欧盟27个成员国今年的经济增长率将为0.8%,欧元区20个成员国的经济将增长0.9%。1月1日,克罗地亚成为欧元区第20个成员国。欧盟和欧元区的数字分别为0.5%和0.6%


U、 美国1月消费者信心下降,因可能出现衰退 - U.S. consumer confidence drops in January as possible recession looms
U、 周二公布的数据显示,美国消费者在新年第一个月的信心稍有下降。1月份,美国会议委员会的消费者信心指数降至107.1,略低于前一个月的109。“1月份消费者信心有所下降,但仍高于去年7月的水平,即2022年的最低水平,”会议委员会(the Conference Board)高级经济主管阿塔曼·奥兹伊尔德里姆(Ataman Ozyildrim)表示。“收入低于15000美元的家庭的消费者信心下降幅度最大(美国


U、 彭博经济模型:12个月内美国经济衰退百分之百确定 - U.S. recession 100% certain within 12 months: Bloomberg economic model
据《纽约邮报》援引彭博社周一发布的经济预测模型称,美国经济在未来12个月内陷入衰退几乎是必然的。华尔街最大银行的许多高管也持类似观点,表示他们正在为潜在的经济衰退做准备。彭博经济(Bloomberg Economics)的最新统计预测显示,未来12个月内出现衰退的可能性为100%,而Bloomb出现衰退的概率为65%


60 pct of CEOs worldwide expect recession: survey
More than 60 percent of chief executive officers (CEOs) globally expect a recession in their primary region of operations in the next 12 to


U.S. economy shrinks in Q1 amid Omicron surge, high inflation, raising recession fear
by Xiong MaolingThe U.S. economy shrank at an annual rate of 1.4 percent in the first quarter this year amid the Omicron surge and elevated


Fears of recession everywhere in U.S. amid rising inflation: New York Post
There are growing concerns from economists who fear rising inflation could spark a recession, the New York Post has said in an article.With
