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【双语财讯】铁路“五一”小长假预计发送旅客1.44亿人次China railway trips to reach 144 mln during May Day holiday


中国数字经济规模达7.12万亿美元:报告 - China's digital economy scale reaches $7.12 trillion: report


中国科学考察队抵达珠穆朗玛峰 - Chinese science expedition team reaches Mount Qomolangma


Zibo city GDP reaches $15.3 billion in Q1 - Zibo city GDP reaches $15.3 billion in Q1
(ECNS) -- According to the Statistics Bureau of Zibo City in East China’s Shandong Province, its GDP reached 105.77 billion yuan($15.3 billion) in the first quarter, with a year-on-year increase of 4.7 percent.Among them, recovery momentum of the consumer


Two-way investment between China, CEEC reaches nearly $20 billion - Two-way investment between China
(ECNS) -- Since the establishment of the China - Central and Eastern European countries (CEEC) cooperation mechanism in 2012, economic and trade cooperation between the two sides has made significant progress, said Li Fei, vice-minister of commerce at a p


ADB operations reach 20.5 bln USD in 2022: report - ADB operations reach 20.5 bln USD in 2022: repor
The Asian Development Bank (ADB) committed 20.5 billion U.S. dollars from its resources last year to help Asia and the Pacific continue its recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic despite fresh economic headwinds and crises, according to the bank's repor


Carrier rocket for Tianzhou-6 cargo vessel reaches launch site - Carrier rocket for Tianzhou-6 cargo
The Long March-7 Y7 carrier rocket, tasked with sending China's space station cargo vessel Tianzhou-6 into orbit in early or mid-May, has been transported to the launch site, the China Manned Space Agency said on Sunday.The rocket reached the Wenchan


IPO system reaches big milestone - IPO system reaches big milestone
Trading in 10 main board stocks shows high-quality development of marketThe highly anticipated market-wide implementation of the registration-based IPO mechanism got off to a sound start on Monday as the first 10 main board companies to list under this me


Privately built, liquid-fuel rocket first in world to reach orbit in debut flight - Privately built,
The TL 2, a carrier rocket developed by Space Pioneer, reached orbit on Sunday afternoon, becoming the first privately built, liquid-fuel rocket in China to reach orbit.The rocket blasted off at 4:48 pm from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in northwes


Chinese telescope LAMOST reaches new milestone in spectral data - Chinese telescope LAMOST reaches n
The Large Sky Area Multi-Object Fiber Spectroscopic Telescope (LAMOST) has become the world's first sky survey telescope to release more than 22 million spectra, said the National Astronomical Observatories under the Chinese Academy of Sciences (NAOC


Flu remains at high level after reaching peak in mid-March: CNIC Director - Flu remains at high leve
After reaching peak in mid-March, the seasonal influenza still remains at high overall levels across China with a few provinces passing an inflection point with cases declining, the Chinese National Influenza Center (CNIC) said.Statistics from the Chinese


在北京达成的协议吸引了全世界的赞誉和关注 - Agreement reached in Beijing attracts praise, attention from around the world


税务总局:年内全国累计办理出口退免税逾1.6万亿China's export tax refund and exemption reach 1.64t


另一场冬季风暴来袭,拜登批准加州紧急状态 - Biden approves California emergency as another winter storm reaches


预计2023年A股盈利增长将达到15% - A-share earnings growth expected to reach 15% in 2023
据新浪周四报道,瑞银证券(UBS Securities)中国策略分析师孟磊在最近的媒体电话会议上表示,预计2023年中国A股盈利增长将达到15%。A股目前仍处于较低的估值水平,为投资者提供了非常好的布局机会。中国股市今年有望上涨约15%,并大幅跑赢亚洲市场。英国广播公司将2023年中国经济增长预期从4.9%上调至5.4%,


2022年全球能源相关二氧化碳排放量创新高:国际能源署 - Global energy-related CO2 emissions reach new high in 2022: IEA


中国呼吁警惕北约的扩张 - China calls for vigilance as NATO extends reach
随着北约向亚太地区寻求亚洲版的跨大西洋联盟,亚太地区的安全安排正在重新调整。最新的举措是菲律宾总统费迪南德·罗穆尔德兹·马科斯(Ferdinand Romualdez Marcos Jr)和日本首相岸田文雄(Fumio Kishida)签署的一项协议,该协议允许两国武装部队共同救灾。据路透社报道,这一安排被视为朝着一项更广泛的协议迈出的一步,该协议可能允许两国在对方领土上部署部队


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