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Chinese PLA cooperates with militaries of over 50 countries in COVID-19 fight: spokesperson
The Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) has played an active role in the global fight against COVID-19 while fully supporting domestic ep


4th mainland-aided COVID-19 isolation facility starts operation in Hong Kong
The fourth community isolation facility (CIF) in Hong Kong constructed with the support from the China mainland has been put into operation


立完新年flag,如何高效达成目标?请收下这份攻略5 science-based strategies for nailing your New Year's resolutions
你的2022新年计划是什么? 每当又一个新年来临,人们总要设定提升自己的目标。他们发誓要减肥,学习一项新技能,或者读30本书,但最终能实现的目标却少得可怜。


坚持清零不放松,才能战胜疫情 | 小象漫评“Zero strategy” not a risk; Eurasia Group’s report is
美国咨询公司欧亚集团 出了个报告预测2022年 说中国清零政策“没用”却仍坚持 还列成世界十大风险 Eurasia Group, a US consul


习近平致信祝贺中国日报创刊40周年President congratulates media group
在中国日报创刊40周年之际,中共中央总书记、国家主席、中央军委主席习近平发来贺信,表示热烈的祝贺,向报社全体干部职工和外国专家、友人,致以诚挚的问候。 习近平在


“团建”冲上热搜,远程办公的老外都怎么团建的?Remote Team Building In The Age Of Virtual Collaboration
团建 (team building / team bonding) 无处不在。校园素拓、工会活动、集体生日趴等等都属于这类。出发点自然是好的:让组员意识到团队力


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