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美国奥克兰公立学校枪击案中六人受伤 - Six people injured in shooting at U.S. Oakland public school
美国西部加利福尼亚州奥克兰市一所公立学校发生枪击案,造成六人受伤,旧金山湾区警察局长周四表示。枪击事件发生在当地时间周三下午12:45,地点为Rudsdale Newcomer高中。受害者是两名学生、一名顾问、一名保安和两名在学校工作的人。持枪歹徒进入学校大楼以特定人员为目标,并开枪30多发,然后乘车逃跑。警方链接


熊猫幼崽在中国西南部繁殖基地与公众见面 - Panda cubs meet public at SW China breeding base
周三,中国大熊猫保护研究中心(China Giat panda Protection and Research Center)共有13只熊猫幼崽在中国西南部四川省省会成都的繁育基地与公众见面。幼崽被饲养员抱着,在摄像机前摆姿势。他们被放在一个乒乓球桌状的平台上,平台上装饰着乒乓球拍和用木头和大麻绳制成的球,供幼兽玩耍。这一场景表达了对成都2022年世界队比赛桌的良好祝愿


公安局制定预防体系 - Public security bureaus develop prevention system


中国推出改善公共卫生的中医药专项倡议 - China launches special TCM initiative for betterment of public health


神舟十三号返回舱可供公众观看 - Shenzhou-13 return capsule available for public view


China sees broader, better IT application in public health sector
China has made notable progress in the promotion of IT application in the public health sector, as evidenced by the rising number of health


New PLA refueling aircraft to feature at Changchun public event
The People's Liberation Army Air Force will display its latest addition — the YY-20 large aerial refueling aircraft — during a public event


Nation to drive growth of nonpublic sector
Private firms contribute about 50 percent of country's tax revenue, 60 percent of GDPMore efforts must be undertaken to drive the healthy de


Nation releases first draft of rules on self-driving vehicles in public
China has released the first national draft guideline on the use of self-driving vehicles for public transport, a key move in accelerating t


China sets up Guangzhou branch of the National Archives of Publications and Culture
(ECNS)-- China on Saturday inaugurated the Guangzhou branch of the National Archives of Publications and Culture in Southeast China’s Guangd


NYC declares monkeypox public health emergency
New York City on Saturday declared a public health emergency due to the monkeypox outbreak.New York City Mayor Eric Adams and city Health Co


Public health legislation strengthened
Rule of law over past decade guarantees protections, better market regulationChina promptly strengthened legislation and law enforcement to


Astronauts receive thousands of letters from the public
Chinese astronauts have received more than 30,000 letters from members of the public who wrote to share their stories, aspirations and wishe


Maritime forces provide safe haven for public
China has deployed search-and-rescue forces on the Nansha Islands in the South China Sea as a public service to the region, according to the


Beijing allows unvaccinated to access public spaces
Beijing residents can enter the public spaces as long as they provide negative nucleic acid test results taken within 72 hours, have their t


First Historical Archives of China opens to public
The First Historical Archives of China opened to the public on Wednesday, offering visitors access to over 4.68 million archival documents,


Vaccination to be required for public venues
Starting on Monday, those who haven't received a COVID-19 vaccine will be restricted from entering some public venues in Beijing, city offic


Hong Kong Palace Museum open to public
The Hong Kong Palace Museum (HKPM), located in the West Kowloon Cultural District of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR), wa


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