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专家:国家仍是外国直接投资的热点 - Experts: Nation remains hot spot for FDI


China conducts first online spot trading of liquid carbon dioxide - China conducts first online spot
(ECNS) -- The Daqing Oilfield has sold 1,000 tons of liquid carbon dioxide at a price of 210 yuan (around $30.37) per ton through online bidding, the first successful online spot-trading of liquid carbon dioxide in China.Liquid carbon dioxide can be widel


Genetic sequencing to help select better potato variety - Genetic sequencing to help select better p
Genetic research conducted by a group of researchers from the Agricultural Genomics Institute at Shenzhen, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, has shed light on crucial genome fragments in potato crops whose mutations are likely to cause unwanted pr


Beijing officials put efforts toward eliminating potential fire hazards - Beijing officials put effo
Top officials in Beijing demanded a thorough citywide check to completely eliminate potential security risks after a hospital fire killed 21 people on Tuesday in the capital, Beijing Daily reported."We will carry out the inspection in an orderly mann


BRICS' GDP, potential currency a challenge to U.S. dollar dominance - BRICS' GDP, potentia
In an economic development that hasn't received much attention in the Western media, the GDP of the BRICS nations has surpassed that of the G7.That news, coupled with plans by the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) nations to creat


Lula sees NDB potential as Rousseff takes role of chief - Lula sees NDB potential as Rousseff takes
The role of the New Development Bank shows that the union of emerging economies is capable of triggering social and economic changes relevant to the world while promising great potential, said Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva on Thursday.Lula


Better safety urged after 4 take lives at scenic spot - Better safety urged after 4 take lives at sc
In the wake of four people taking their own lives in a suspected group suicide at the popular Tianmen Mountain scenic spot in Hunan province, the local government called for greater safety efforts on Saturday.On Friday, the government of Yongding district


Stronger measures to tap overseas trade potential - Stronger measures to tap overseas trade potentia
More efforts to boost exports will likely contribute to overall economic growthChina is expected to adopt stronger measures to better tap overseas market potential amid soft global demand, according to experts and business leaders.Despite challenges, Chin


NASA's Webb Telescope spots swirling, gritty clouds on remote planet - NASA's Webb Telesco
Researchers observing with NASA's James Webb Space Telescope have pinpointed silicate cloud features in a distant planet's atmosphere, according to the agency.Cataloged as VHS 1256 b, the planet is about 40 light-years away and orbits two stars


Scientists explore potential of floating solar panels in energy supply, water saving - Scientists ex
A new type of photovoltaic power station is emerging. Built in reservoirs, lakes and ponds, solar panels floating on the water surface have advantages over traditional ground-mounted solar systems in terms of land conservation, efficiency and water loss r


中国高级外交官与印尼合作潜力巨大 - Senior Chinese diplomat eyes huge potential in cooperation with Indonesia


华北自然保护区发现濒危鸟类 - Endangered bird species spotted in north China nature reserve


孟加拉国最高商业机构负责人看到了与中国的贸易潜力 - Bangladesh's top business body chief sees trade potential with China


中国天文台发现新的近地小行星 - China's astronomical observatory spots new near-Earth asteroid
南山一米宽视场望远镜发现了一颗新的近地小行星,根据中国科学院下属的新疆天文台(XAO)的说法。国际天文学联合会小行星中心证实了这一发现,并将这颗近地小行星命名为暂定编号2023 DB2。它距离地球轨道最近的距离超过3000万公里,约为地球与月球之间距离的80倍,研究人员阿里·埃萨丁说


中国西南部发现的野生大熊猫求偶 - Courtship of wild giant pandas spotted in SW China


FAST在脉冲星探测方面取得巨大进展 - FAST makes great strides in pulsar spotting


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