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Foreign companies show confidence in Chinese market
Despite the protracted pandemic and increasingly complex global environment, foreign companies are casting a vote of confidence in the Chine


China releases reports on budgets, national economic and social development plans
Two reports approved Friday at the fifth session of the 13th National People's Congress were released in full via Xinhua News Agency on Sund


China to build on good business climate
China is expected to further improve the business climate, unleashing more market vitality and adding resilience to the economy, and thereby


Xinjiang signs agreements with 11 SOEs
38 projects expected to involve more than 611 billion yuan in investmentThe Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region, a core area of the Silk Road E


疫情迫使2021年格莱美奖颁奖礼推迟Grammys postpone 2021 ceremony over Covid-19 concerns


英国智库:中国经济将在2028年赶超美国Chinese economy to overtake US 'by 2028' due to Covid
英国经济与商业研究中心的年度报告称,2028年中国经济将赶超美国,成为全球最大经济体,比疫情前的预测提早了五年;印度有望在2030年成为全球第三大经济体。 A


不应相信的幸福神话Myths about happiness everyone should stop believing
和对的人结婚,就能幸福;找到一份理想的工作,就能幸福;拥有了豪宅,就能幸福……关于幸福,我们有很多“神话”,但是真相是什么呢? Photo from Pexel


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