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What will matter?人生的意义
Ready or not, some day it will all come to an end. There will be no more sunrises, no days, no hours or minutes. All the things you collected, whether treasured or forgotten, will pass to someone else.Your wealth, fame and temporal power wi


Love and Time 爱与时间
从前,一个小岛上驻扎着林林总总各种感情,有幸福、悲伤、知识等等,还有爱。有一天,感情们接到通知说,小岛马上就要下沉,于是纷纷造船逃离。惟有爱无动于衷。Once upon a time, there was an island where all the feelings lived: Happiness, Sadness, Kn


Messages of hope for working class
For the grassroot masses, the policies-setting report delivered at the once-every-five-year national congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) is probably too multifarious and too macro-sounding to study.The one passed by the just conc


Two extremes in life 生活中的两极
It has been so bitterly cold here in Pennsylvania.I can’t remember a winter being as cold as this, but I’m sure there were colder days.Even though the daylight hours are growing longer minute by minute, it’s easy to find an excuse not to


All you remember 你所记得的一切
All you remember about your child being an infant is the incredible awe you felt about the precious miracle you created. You remember having plenty of time to bestow all your wisdom and knowledge. You thought your child would take all of yo


A goodbye kiss 永别之吻
The Board Meeting had come to an end. Bob started to stand up and jostled the table, spilling his coffee over his notes. "How embarrassing.I am getting so clumsy in my old age."Everyone had a good laugh, and soon we were all telling stories


Listening is powerful medicine 倾听是良药
倾听是良药,它能治愈心灵的创伤。当我是一名医生时,我问我的病人我能为她做些什么,她朝我笑笑说,只要你听完我的故事。而今我也坐上轮椅,我告诉我的学生,不要打断病人的倾诉,坐在床边听他们把话说完吧,因为这对病人的帮助胜过任何昂贵的药物。I believ


Try to become a quitter 学会放弃


10 habits of highly successful women
首先,让我们看看来自作家Anais Nin的一段话:“梦想转化为现实,现实又催生梦想,这种互生关系成就了生存的最高境界。”放弃完美主义,给自己留些时间……要想成为一位成功的女性,需要养成哪些好习惯呢?These 10 habits of highly successful women range


Some thoughts on building a successful marriage
From my perspective, once you enter into the realm of marriage, building and maintaining a successful marriage is actually a big part of personal and financial success. A solid marriage not only results in people sharing resources together,


What is off limits to criticize women about?
男人不能对女人的哪些方面评头论足?如果你要说一个女生变胖了,那一定会得罪她。这还不算最糟糕的。有一次,我在称赞一个女孩衣服漂亮之后,接着说了句“看起来没花太多钱”,本来想夸她,结果把她弄哭了。看来想讨好女人,这学问可大着呢。Some work friend


The day I become a mom 那天 我成为一位母亲
就在那天,我真正地成为了一个母亲。我明白了做一个母亲,不仅仅意味着要观看女儿的芭蕾舞,不是参加学校音乐会,不是把家打扫得一尘不染,不是准备可口的饭菜,更不是对问题视而不见。对我而言,对打翻的牛奶一笑了之,才是我真正成为一个母亲的开始。The da


Girls of summer 夏日女孩
We lived on the banks of the Tennessee River, and we owned the summers when we were girls. We ran wild through humid(潮湿的,湿润的) summer days that never ended but only melted one into the other. We floated down rivers of weekdays with


Leave time behind you
The old monk often took the young monk to the hill outside the temple to recite(背诵,叙述) the lection(经文) .One day the young monk said to the old monk,"How slowly the time goes!"The old monk said,"You can have a try like this---in t


Methods of Economy
The methods of practicing economy(实行节俭) are very simple. Spend less than you earn. That is the first rule. A portion should always be set apart for the future. The person who spends more than he earns, is a fool.The next rule is to pa


Positive Mental Attitude
A positive mental attitude is the right mental attitude in any given situation and is most often composed of the plus characteristics symbolized by such words as faith, integrity, hope, optimism, courage initiative, generosity, tolerance, t


Try to Remember the Good Things
When times become difficult (and you know they sometimes will), remember a moment in your life that was filled with joy and happiness. Remember how it made you feel, and you will have the strength you need to get through any trial.When life


Put time where love is
During my 25 years as a marital(婚姻的) therapist, I have seen hundreds of people disappointed over unfulfilling relationships. I have seen passion turn to poison. I have grieved with patients for the love they lost or never found."We see


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