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Cities loosen mask requirements for public transport - Cities loosen mask requirements for public tr
Public transportation systems in many cities like Beijing and Guangzhou have fine-tuned requirements for passengers to wear masks after the latest update by the country's top COVID-19 intervention mechanism."We need to tune life back into the pr


Beijing public transportation no longer requires passengers to wear masks - Beijing public transport
Passengers are no longer required to wear masks while traveling via subway or bus in Beijing, according to media reports.Some netizens have shared their experiences of people not wearing masks while taking the subway and bus in Beijing recently.According


Beijing public transportation cancels mandatory mask rule - Beijing public transportation cancels ma
(ECNS) -- Beijing's buses and subways have stopped mandating passengers to wear masks, ECNS learned from insiders on Sunday."Beijing Metro now suggests passengers to wear masks but does not mandate it," a staff member of subway customer ser


China ends mandatory face masks on public transport - China ends mandatory face masks on public tran
China issued a new set of guidelines on Wednesday regarding the use of face masks by the general public to prevent COVID-19 infection, stating that it is now no longer mandatory to wear face masks when using public transport.The guidelines from the joint


Top disease control body clarifies mask use - Top disease control body clarifies mask use
China's top disease control authorities clarified on Wednesday that people do not need to wear masks in outdoor spaces and workplaces, on campuses and when working out.The National Administration of Disease Prevention and Control released the latest


Experts: Public mask wearing can be eased - Experts: Public mask wearing can be eased
Chinese health experts suggest relaxing mandatory mask wearing in public except for elderly care centers and other high-risk facilities as the global COVID-19 pandemic is nearing an end and domestic flu infections are declining.After three years of fighti


Wearing a mask now optional: Chinese infectious disease expert Zhang Wenhong - Wearing a mask now op
A renowned Chinese infectious disease expert believes as the country has entered into a stage of low prevalence of the novel coronavirus, wearing masks has now become an optional measure.Zhang Wenhong, head of the Center for Infectious Diseases with the S


中国取消教师和学生强制戴口罩 - China scraps mandatory mask wearing for teachers, students


学校校园的口罩禁令被取消 - Mask mandate dropped for school campuses


香港从3月1日起取消面具授权 - Hong Kong lifts mask mandate from March 1
香港从3月1日起取消了口罩授权,为正常生活做好准备,并促进城市经济复苏。香港特别行政区行政长官John Lee(John Lee)周二在行政会议前的新闻发布会上表示,此举是基于几方面的考虑,包括显示香港疫情得到控制的数据,香港已建立全面防疫屏障,医院未发生重大疫情


香港将从3月1日起取消面具授权 - Hong Kong to lift mask mandate from March 1
香港特别行政区行政长官John Lee周二宣布,香港的口罩授权将从3月1日起取消。李显龙在执行委员会会议前的新闻发布会上表示,此举是基于多种考虑,包括显示香港疫情得到控制的数据,香港建立了全面的防疫屏障,医院和学校没有发生重大疫情


西藏居民用牦牛炖肉、面具舞蹈表演迎接新年 - Tibet residents welcome New Year with yak stew, mask dance performances


口罩和测试仍然是确保医院顺利运行的关键 - Masks, tests still key to ensuring hospitals run smoothly


中国科学家设计的面罩可以在10分钟内检测到病毒 - Chinese scientists design face mask that detects viruses in 10 mins


U.S. CDC recommends majority of Americans wear masks: media
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommended that nearly 70 percent of the country's population should either be we


CDC extends public transit mask mandate
Concerned with an uptick in coronavirus cases, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has extended the mask mandate on public t


U.S. CDC extends transportation mask order on rise of COVID-19 cases
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said on Wednesday the mask order remains in effect for public transit while the ag


研究:戴口罩让人看上去更有魅力Face masks make people look more attractive, study finds
戴着口罩呼吸不畅,说话吃东西也不方便,大家都很怀念不戴口罩的日子,但是有一个好消息也许能让你再继续撑下去,那就是研究发现,戴口罩能让人看上去更有魅力! [Pho


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