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债务危机笼罩七国集团会议 - G7 meeting clouded by debt crisis


4人因拆除承重墙被扣留 - 4 detained for demolishing load-bearing walls


更严格的排放标准即将生效 - Stricter emission standard to kick in


天舟六号货运飞船发射任务完成全面预演 - Tianzhou-6 cargo spacecraft launch mission completes comprehensive rehearsal


国防部表示,4月份的自然灾害造成7人死亡 - Ministry says natural disasters in April caused seven deaths


改革提升了上市国有企业的估值和股权 - Reform lifts valuations, equities of listed SOEs


警方对四名涉嫌拆卸承重墙的疑犯采取行动 - Action taken against four suspects for demolishing load-bearing walls


阿富汗问题三方会谈受到赞扬 - Trilateral talks on Afghanistan lauded


北约敦促不要制造分裂 - NATO urged not to create divisions


Nourishing entrepreneurs key to strengthening private economy - Nourishing entrepreneurs key to stre
The top authorities recently pointed out that China should make greater efforts to build world-class enterprises, treasure excellent entrepreneurs, and foster its craftsmen as a manufacturing power.As an important force for economic development, entrepren


U.S. a benchmark in disregarding and violating human rights: Chinese FM - U.S. a benchmark in disreg
The U.S. is by no means a model of respecting and protecting human rights, but a typical example of disregarding and violating human rights, Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Wang Wenbin said on Monday when commenting on United Nations (UN) experts�


China firmly opposes illegal sanctions, long-arm jurisdiction over China on grounds of China-Russia
China is firmly opposed to illegal sanctions or long-arm jurisdiction over the country on the grounds of China-Russia cooperation, and the economic and trade cooperation between China and Russia is open and frank, not directed at third parties, and free f


China urges NATO to reflect on crimes on 24th anniversary of killing Chinese journalists in Belgrade
The Chinese people will never forget the blood and lives paid to defend truth, fairness and justice, and NATO's barbaric crime of bombing the Chinese Embassy in Yugoslavia, said the Chinese Foreign Ministry when asked to comment on the 24th anniversa


China's first deep-sea floating wind power platform finishes offshore construction - China'
(ECNS) -- Offshore construction work on Haiyou Guanlan, China's first deep-sea floating wind power platform, has been completed.The CNOOC announced that it has completed laying a 5,000-meter dynamic subsea cable. The cable opens a power transmission


Natural glass material discovered in Chang'e-5 lunar samples - Natural glass material discovere
Chinese scientists have discovered multiple types of glass material in lunar samples retrieved by the Chang'e-5 mission, including the natural fiberglass which has been found for the first time and could provide important support for future lunar bas


Legislation protects memorial sites, heroes - Legislation protects memorial sites, heroes
Stricter stance deters defamers, pushes govt to improve maintenance of facilitiesBetter legal protection has helped improve the management of memorial sites dedicated to national heroes and martyrs in the past five years, according to legal experts.Betwee


Sichuan panda base bans visitors for bad behavior - Sichuan panda base bans visitors for bad behavio
A number of people have been barred from a panda sanctuary in Sichuan province, or have received warnings, for uncivilized behavior during the May Day holiday.Breaches triggering these kinds of penalties included throwing items like candy wrappers or bott


FM says claim of Pakistan 'debt trap' a lie - FM says claim of Pakistan 'debt trap�
Countries vow inclusive collaboration on high-quality development of CPECChina has rejected accusations of creating a "debt trap" in Pakistan and it will push forward the high-quality construction of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor to help


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