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Chinese entrepreneur honored at 2022 Automotive Hall of Fame Induction & Awards Ceremony
Lu Guanqiu, founder of Wanxiang Group, has become the first Chinese inducted into the U.S. Automotive Hall of Fame (AHF). Lu was honored at


Mile-long school buses head to U.S. lawmaker's office to honor children shot dead, demand gun c
A mile-long yellow school bus convoy on Thursday headed to pro-gun right U.S. Senator Ted Cruz's home and office in Houston, the largest cit


China honors Shenzhou-13 mission astronauts with medals
Three astronauts from the Shenzhou-13 crewed mission were awarded medals for their service to China's space endeavors on Tuesday.Zhai Zhigan


China urges US to honor commitment to not support 'Taiwan independence'
A Chinese mainland spokesperson on Friday urged the US government to fulfill its commitment to not support "Taiwan independence" with real a


China urges U.S. to honor commitment to not support 'Taiwan independence'
A Chinese mainland spokesperson on Friday urged the U.S. government to fulfill its commitment to not support "Taiwan independence" with real


China honors units, individuals for contributions to Beijing Olympic, Paralympic Winter Games
Chinese authorities on Friday honored 148 units and 148 individuals, including one awarded posthumously, for their outstanding contributions


Singles are happy to be single, believe they're more open to new experiences, and in better physical shape than couples, according to a survey conducted by Harris Interactive. Survey results were released in honor of National Singles Week,


A tribute to the dog
The best friend a man has in this world may turn against him and become his enemy. His son or daughter whom he has reared with loving care may prove ungrateful. Those who are nearest and dearest to us, those whom we trust with our happiness


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