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Letters of yester years
When did you last write - I mean in the real sense, i.e. a handwritten letter - to your parents, brothers, sisters, other relatives or friends who live apart from you? To this question, most people would answer "years ago".I know I would be


Messages of hope for working class
For the grassroot masses, the policies-setting report delivered at the once-every-five-year national congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) is probably too multifarious and too macro-sounding to study.The one passed by the just conc


Hello, 6-year-old child 交朋友


Broken wings,flying heart
   He lost his arms in an accident that claimed his father's life—who was the main source of support for the family.  Since then,he has had to depend on the arms of his younger brother. For the sake of taking care of him,his younger b


A Perfect Heart
One day a young man was standing in the middle of the town proclaiming(宣告,声明) that he had the most beautiful heart in the whole valley. A large crowd gathered, and they all admired his heart for it was perfect. There was not a flaw i


Follow your heart and your dream
I have a friend named Monty Roberts who owns a horse ranch(大农场,大牧场) in San Ysidro. He has let me use his house to put on fund-raising events to raise money for youth at risk programs.The last time I was there he introduced me by sa


Put the goal in your heart
When she looked ahead, Florence Chadwick saw nothing but a solid wall of fog. Her body was numb. She had been swimming for nearly sixteen hours.Already she was the first woman to swim the English Channel in both directions. Now, at age 34,


Just Listen To Your Heart
How often do you have a really strong gut instinct and it proves to be wrong? How often do you override(推翻,践踏) that instinct and then kick yourself later on? My guess would be that if you're anything like the people that come to me f


A Woman's Tears
"Why are you crying?” he asked his Mom."Because I'm a woman.” she told him."I don't understand,” he said.His Mom just hugged him and said,"And you never will”..."Later the little boy asked his father,"Why does mothe


A Miracle of Tears
It was one of the hottest days of the dry season. We had not seen rain in almost a month. The crops were dying. The creeks and streams were long gone back into the earth. If we didn't see some rain soon, we would lose everything. It was on


My Dear Parents
If anybody asks me, "what is your most important thing in your life?" My answer isn't myself, money, my future lover, or…, but my parents.  I love them. Although I never said that words to them, I think we seldom said that words to each


Broken Wings,Flying Heart
He lost his arms in an accident that claimed his father's life who was the main source of support for the family.  Since then, he has had to depend on the arms of his younger brother. For the sake of taking care of him, his younger brother


Steps to Happiness
Everybody Knows: You can't be all things to all people. You can't do all things at once. You can't do all things equally well.  You can't do all things better than everyone else. Your humanity is showing just like everyone else's.


I've learned 我懂了
I've learned…That the best classroom in the world is at the feet of an elderly person.  I've learned…That when you're in love, it shows. I've learned…That having a child fall asleep in your arms is one of the most peaceful things in th


The pure, the bright, the beautiful,That stirred our hearts in youth,The impulses to wordless prayer,The dreams of love and truth;The longing after something's lost,The spirit's yearning cry,The striving after better hopes-These things can


Once President Roosevelt's house was broken into and lots of things were stolen. Hearing this, one of Roosevelt's friends wrote to him and advised him not to take it to his heart so much. President Roosevelt wrote back immediately, saying,


Why Love
College years are considered to be the golden time for courting. But I wonder whether we college students know the true meaning of love. Many students don't, they believe that happiness is just a sense of loving and being loved. As a result


Learn To Smile
Smile, how warm the word is! It can make anyone happy. And this happiness is from the bottom of heart. It's not like enthusiastic laughter, but just warm, makes your heart warm. Mother's smile is like a spring wind, so gentle when you are


The Way to Success
Inevitably, we will meet a lot of crossings on the way of our lives. How to choose? The brewer's son, Jim Koch, endows(赋予) it novel thoughts.  When Jim was a teenager, his father did everything he could to dissuade(劝阻) him from be


The Heart Knows Best
The D-word. It's most people's worst fear, but, in a bittersweet(苦乐参半的) way, it was my greatest joy. In divorce, you gain something and you lose something. There is no way around it, and in the end, it is best for everyone, whether t


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