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国家现代化建设引起全球关注 - Nation's modernization drive attracts global attention


Xi对卢旺达洪灾死亡表示哀悼 - Xi sends condolences over flood deaths in Rwanda


警方对四名涉嫌拆卸承重墙的疑犯采取行动 - Action taken against four suspects for demolishing load-bearing walls


中国4月贸易增长8.9%,快于预期 - China's trade grows 8.9% in April, faster than expectations


得克萨斯州发生大规模枪击和车辆致命袭击 - Texas reels after mass shooting, deadly assault with vehicle
Cindy和Kyu Cho带着他们的两个孩子,3岁的James和6岁的William,去Allen Premium Outlets购物中心进行家庭出游。现在威廉成了孤儿。周六,在达拉斯北部得克萨斯州艾伦市的购物中心,一名枪手杀害了8人,其中包括威廉的父母和詹姆斯。刚刚庆祝生日的威廉王子也受伤了,另外两名儿童也遇难。四年级学生丹妮拉·门多萨和她的妹妹,二年级学生索菲亚。他们的母亲伊尔达目前情况危急。丹妮拉和苏


中国学生因在金融和社会挑战方面的创新而受到表彰 - Chinese students honored for innovation in financial, societal challenges


1-4月中国外贸增长5.8% - China's foreign trade up 5.8% in Jan-April period


阿富汗问题三方会谈受到赞扬 - Trilateral talks on Afghanistan lauded


日韩领导人会晤引众矢之的 - Japan-ROK leaders' meet draws flak


加拿大驻上海总领事馆外交官宣布为Persona Non Grata:中国外交部 - Diplomat of the consulate general of Canada in Shanghai de


Venerable director Pema Tseden passes away, ‘pioneer’ of Tibetan language film - Venerable director
Venerable Chinese filmmaker Pema Tseden passed away on Monday due to a sudden illness at the age of 54, media reported the same day. The ethnic Tibetan director, screenwriter and writer was often hailed as a "pioneer" of Tibetan language film.&q


China's COVID fight a guidebook for the future - China's COVID fight a guidebook for the f
China took the lead in sharing COVID-19 information and virus control experience, as well as in supplying vaccines and sending medical teams, during the global fight against the disease, experts and officials said on Monday, after the World Health Organiz


End of COVID-19 global health emergency doesn't mean leaving epidemic unattended: Chinese healt
The end of the COVID-19 global health emergency does not mean leaving the epidemic unattended but shows that hazards caused by the epidemic can be effectively controlled with current capabilities, and relevant prevention and control work should be continu


EU should not follow U.S. in weaponizing trade - EU should not follow U.S. in weaponizing trade
European Union member states are reportedly discussing this week whether to impose sanctions on several Chinese companies that allegedly provided equipment and raw industrial materials to Russia that can be used to manufacture weapons.Leaving aside the au


China strongly condemns, lodges solemn protest and vows to take countermeasure as Canada expels Chin
China strongly condemned and firmly opposed the Canadian side declaring a Chinese diplomat as "persona non grata" and deciding to expel the diplomat on Monday, which serious violates international law and basic principles of international relati


President meets with representatives of overseas Chinese - President meets with representatives of o
President Xi Jinping met on Monday with representatives of overseas Chinese and extended his sincere greetings to overseas Chinese around the world ahead of the 10th Conference for Friendship of Overseas Chinese Associations.Around 500 leading members of


China urges NATO to reflect on crimes on 24th anniversary of killing Chinese journalists in Belgrade
The Chinese people will never forget the blood and lives paid to defend truth, fairness and justice, and NATO's barbaric crime of bombing the Chinese Embassy in Yugoslavia, said the Chinese Foreign Ministry when asked to comment on the 24th anniversa


China's first deep-sea floating wind power platform finishes offshore construction - China'
(ECNS) -- Offshore construction work on Haiyou Guanlan, China's first deep-sea floating wind power platform, has been completed.The CNOOC announced that it has completed laying a 5,000-meter dynamic subsea cable. The cable opens a power transmission


China conducts first online spot trading of liquid carbon dioxide - China conducts first online spot
(ECNS) -- The Daqing Oilfield has sold 1,000 tons of liquid carbon dioxide at a price of 210 yuan (around $30.37) per ton through online bidding, the first successful online spot-trading of liquid carbon dioxide in China.Liquid carbon dioxide can be widel


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