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Nation sees big biz in biotech, early cancer detection
If you ask anyone how to reduce the mortality rate of cancer patients, the answer may vary from person to person. Yet early detection and in


China makes big strides on quality of air
China has cut its harmful air particulates by nearly 40 percent since it imposed a "war against pollution" in 2013, attaining a feat that th


Shanghai Masters to return-bigger and better than ever
With more stars to watch over a longer period of time, the upgrade of the Rolex Shanghai Masters has served up a major boost for China's pan


U.S. poses biggest nuclear threat to world: Chinese spokesperson
A Chinese military spokesperson on Thursday refuted remarks by some U.S. military officials to hype up the so-called Chinese "nuclear threat


IOC: 2022 Winter Olympics a big success
Citing the Games' rich legacy and effective COVID-19 countermeasures, the International Olympic Committee has summed up the Beijing 2022 Win


U.S. spends big on military biological research in Ukraine: Russian military
Washington has spent more than 350 million U.S. dollars "in recent years alone" on projects of the Science and Technology Center in Ukraine


Evolution of creatures growing 'big' occurred over 600 mln years ago: study
Most of the creatures today consist of hundreds of millions of cells, but when life on Earth first emerged, they were merely a few microns l


U.S. 'biggest disrupter' in South China Sea
The United States is the biggest culprit behind the militarization of the South China Sea, and the "biggest disrupter and troublemaker" in t


24岁的她跟“嫦娥”一起火了,外媒纷纷报道这位big sisterThe woman behind China's Chang'e-5 Moon mission
上个月前往月球“挖土”的嫦娥 “五姑娘”,最近已经完成了采集、打包,发货的一系列操作,踏上了回家的路。 而跟着嫦娥“五姑娘”一起火起来的,还有一位95后小姑娘,


8.4分收官,这部火到国外的《棋魂》你看了吗?Live Action Adaptation of 'Hikaru no Go' a Big Hit with Chinese and I


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