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民调:生活成本飙升困扰美国年轻人 1/3受访者担心会无家可归New Study Shows 1/3 Of Young Adults Worry About Homelessness
A homeless man sits on a luggage bag along a downtown Los Angeles street lined


美国清楚中美军事对话面临困难的原因:中国FM - The U.S. is clear about the reason why China-U.S. military dialogue faces d


七国集团领导人对中国的“胁迫”言论被视为讽刺 - G7 leaders' 'coercion' talk about China seen as ironic


Liu Cixin talks about AI: Some anxieties but accepting it - Liu Cixin talks about AI: Some anxieties
(ECNS) -- Chinese science-fiction writer Liu Cixin said on Thursday that if artificial intelligence (AI) could really replace writers and provide readers with better literary works, it's not necessarily a bad thing.“I have no choice but to go with th


China 'highly concerned' about Japan's chip policy, urges Tokyo to follow WTO rules -
China is "highly concerned" about Japan's plan to put export controls on some 23 types of semiconductor manufacturing equipment, Chinese Vice Commerce Minister Wang Shouwen told Japanese Ambassador Hideo Tarumi during a meeting in Beijing.W


TikTok Ban about global dominance of U.S. tech, not national security: Jacobin - TikTok Ban about gl
The about-face from justifying tech expansion on the basis of free speech for decades to threatening to ban the social media TikTok reveals U.S. policymakers' true objective: preserving the dominance of American tech capitalists, reported U.S. news p


Taiwan question is not about democracy: Chinese spokesperson - Taiwan question is not about democrac
The Taiwan question is not about democracy and such moves of supporting "Taiwan independence" separatist forces in the name of democracy and using the Taiwan question to contain China are highly dangerous and will get nowhere, a Chinese foreign


Xi presides over meeting about theoretical study program and revision of Party regulations - Xi pres
The Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee convened a meeting on Thursday and decided to launch a theoretical study program on the study and implementation of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics f


Int'l organizations, business leaders upbeat about China's economic outlook - Int'l o
Economic experts and business leaders showed optimism about China's economic growth outlook in 2023 at the just-concluded China Development Forum (CDF) 2023, saying that China is a major driver of the global economy and a reliable supplier for indust


国与国之间的合作不应该是建立排他性集团:中国FM - State-to-state cooperation should not be about putting up exclusionary bl


澳大利亚企业对中国西部的机遇感到乐观 - Aussie businesses upbeat about opportunities in west China
来自澳大利亚企业的代表表示,他们对中国西部的机遇充满期待和兴趣,因为中国西部正着眼于与外国开展更多的投资和贸易合作。澳中商务理事会新南威尔士州分会首席执行官艾莉森·艾里(Alison Airey)表示:“中国西部国际博览会是澳大利亚企业展示产品和探索中国西部投资机会的绝佳机会。”


俄罗斯抨击美国对中国飞艇的炒作 - Russia blasts U.S. hype about China airship
俄罗斯外交部周二谴责华盛顿炒作中国民用无人飞艇的情况。外交部发言人玛丽亚·扎哈罗娃(Maria Zakharova)在一份声明中表示:“我们认为,中方对中国无人飞艇因不可抗力进入美国领空所作的解释是充分和可以理解的。”


Xi鼓励匈牙利青年更多地了解中国,成为友好使者 - Xi encourages Hungarian youths to learn more about China, become envoys of


关于奥密克戎亚变体BQ.1和XBB你需要知道的事情 - Things you need to know about Omicron subvariants BQ.1 and XBB
随着一些海外国家出现更多奥密克戎新变种,中国也从输入病例中检测到BQ.1和XBB。这些菌株的毒力有多强?它们会引起新一波的感染吗?以下是中国专家的看法。问:BQ.1和XBB变体是什么?A: 中国疾病预防控制中心国家研究所所长徐文波表示,BQ.1和XBB是奥密克戎的新亚变异株,由于其传播力和免疫逃逸能力的增强,在欧洲和美国已成为主要变异株


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