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Trump says Mar-a-Lago residence in Florida raided by FBI agents
Former U.S. President Donald Trump said Monday evening that his Mar-a-Lago resort in Palm Beach, Florida, had been raided by agents of the F


New book details Trump administration's botched response to COVID-19 pandemic
It is "the clearest account yet of how Trump's team botched the pandemic," a review recently published by The Atlantic wrote of Silent Invas


史上首位!特朗普因国会暴乱事件二次遭弹劾Donald Trump impeached a second time over mob attack on US Capitol
当地时间1月13日,美国国会众议院以多数票通过了弹劾特朗普的议案,指控特朗普煽动1月6日的国会暴乱,这使得特朗普成为美国有史以来首位在任内被弹劾两次的总统。 这


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