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德桑蒂斯-特朗普之战正在进行 - DeSantis-Trump battle is on
佛罗里达州州长罗恩·德桑蒂斯(Ron DeSantis)周三终于参加了共和党总统候选人提名的角逐,与44岁的前总统唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump.DeSantis)展开了一场激烈的初选,周三,在埃隆·马斯克的竞选团队发布正式发布视频之前,他向联邦选举委员会申请竞选总统


Trump, Pence to address National Rifle Association convention - Trump, Pence to address National Rif
The National Rifle Association meets this weekend in Indianapolis for its annual convention against a backdrop of mass shootings in the country.Organizers of the 152nd annual meeting say they expect 70,000 NRA members to attend the event that begins Frida


Trump pleads not guilty to 34 felony counts - Trump pleads not guilty to 34 felony counts
Former U.S. president Donald Trump turned his head toward photographers as he sat, stone-faced with shoulders rounded, at the defense table in a downtown Manhattan courtroom on Tuesday."Not guilty," he said in a firm voice during a historic appe


Trump charged with 34 counts of falsifying business records, pleads not guilty - Trump charged with
Former U.S. President Donald Trump is charged with 34 counts of falsifying business records, the Manhattan district attorney said on Tuesday afternoon.Trump, who was arraigned at the Manhattan Criminal Court in New York City and became the first former U.


Skepticism voiced over Trump indictment - Skepticism voiced over Trump indictment
As former U.S. president Donald Trump prepared to be arraigned Tuesday on a New York indictment, a former U.S. attorney general expressed reservations Sunday about the effect on the legal system.Former U.S. attorney William Barr, who had a falling out wit


Trump's attorney says to make motion to dismiss charges from Manhattan grand jury - Trump'
An attorney for former U.S. President Donald Trump said on Sunday that he expects to make a motion to dismiss any charges brought by a Manhattan grand jury in the hush-money payment case."We will take the indictment. We will dissect it. The team will


Trump slams impending 'arrest', calls for protests - Trump slams impending 'arrest�
Former U.S. president Donald Trump said he expects to be "arrested" on Tuesday over an alleged hush-money payment to an adult film star in 2016 and urged his supporters to protest, as prosecutors gave signs of moving closer to an indictment.If i


Trump suggests he will be arrested next week - Trump suggests he will be arrested next week
Former U.S. President Donald Trump suggested on Saturday that he will be arrested next week.Trump, in a post on Truth Social, wrote that "illegal leaks" from the Manhattan District Attorney's Office indicate that he "will be arrested o


1月6日,一个小组正在考虑向特朗普移交刑事案件 - Jan 6 panel considering criminal referrals for Trump


美国最高法院允许国会小组获得特朗普的纳税申报单 - U.S. Supreme Court allows congressional panel to obtain Trump's tax r
美国最高法院周二驳回了前总统唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)提出的上诉,该上诉旨在保护他的纳税申报单不受国会小组的审查。该命令是对特朗普的律师上月向高等法院提起的上诉的回应。此前,一家下级法院拒绝撤销其要求特朗普向民主党领导的众议院筹款委员会提交纳税记录的裁决。众议院民主党人多年来一直在寻求获取特朗普的纳税申报表,以获取他们的一项相关调查


特朗普宣布2024年总统竞选 - Trump announces 2024 presidential bid


前特朗普顾问因藐视国会被判处4个月监禁 - Former Trump adviser sentenced to 4 months in prison for contempt of Congress
U、 周五,美国右翼人物史蒂夫·班农因藐视国会被判处四个月监禁。联邦地方法院法官卡尔·尼科尔斯还裁定,曾担任美国前总统唐纳德·特朗普首席策略师的班农将不得不支付6500美国的罚款。尼科尔斯说,现年68岁的班农“对自己的行为没有表示悔恨”,但同意在对有罪判决提出上诉期间维持裁决。班农去年因藐视众议院选举委员会的传票而被起诉


国会报告:特朗普政府干预联邦对新冠肺炎的反应 - Trump administration interfered with federal response to COVID-19: congress


U、 美国小组投票就国会暴乱传唤特朗普 - U.S. panel votes to subpoena Trump over Capitol riot
调查去年国会大厦骚乱的众议院特别委员会星期四投票传唤美国前总统唐纳德·特朗普。9人小组主席、民主党众议员本尼·汤普森(Bennie Thompson)周四下午在第10次公开听证会上表示:“他必须为自己的行为负责。”。该委员会认为,共和党人直接参与了推翻2020年总统选举结果的努力,他在选举中输给了民主党人乔·拜登。特朗普猛烈抨击了


特朗普,他的三个孩子被起诉欺诈 - Trump, 3 of his children sued for fraud
根据周三提交的一项诉讼,美国前总统唐纳德·特朗普、他的三个成年子女和家族企业的高管十多年来一直在就房地产估值向银行和保险公司撒谎,以使其资产净值增加数十亿美元,并减少其纳税义务。纽约州民主党司法部长莱蒂亚·詹姆斯(Letitia James)提交的长达222页的民事诉讼指控,特朗普的财务状况给银行和保险公司留下了虚假印象


众议院小组要求国家档案馆确定特朗普是否保留敏感的政府记录 - House panel asks National Archives to determine if Trump retains sens
美国众议院委员会主席周二要求国家档案管理局(NARA)确定前总统唐纳德·特朗普是否仍拥有任何敏感的政府记录。众议院监督委员会主席卡罗琳·马洛尼(Carolyn Maloney)致信美国代理档案管理员黛布拉·施泰德尔·沃尔(Debra Steidel Wall),表达了对联邦政府“敏感的总统记录可能仍然无法控制和保管”的担忧。“鉴于


美国政府调查特朗普筹款小组 - Trump's fundraising group under U.S. gov't investigation


Former Trump adviser Bannon to be indicted in New York: reports
Steve Bannon, who served as chief strategist for former U.S. President Donald Trump, will surrender to New York State prosecutors on Thursda


Unsealed filing details items recovered from Trump's Mar-a-Lago in FBI search
A filing unsealed by a federal judge on Friday listed items that Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) agents seized last month from former


Trump declines to answer questions in civil investigation
Former U.S. President Donald Trump declined to answer questions in a civil investigation into his business dealings on Wednesday morning.Aft


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