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PLA fully monitors and keeps high-level alert on U.S. warship sailing through the Taiwan Straits - P
The Eastern Theater Command of the Chinese PLA fully monitored the U.S. warship's passing operations, maintaining a high-level alert at all times and resolutely defending national sovereignty and security: spokesperson on USS Milius sailing through t


China's 'artificial sun' achieves breakthrough, key step toward fusion reactor - Chin
The experimental advanced superconducting tokamak (EAST), or the Chinese "artificial sun," achieved a steady-state high confinement plasma operation for 403 seconds on Wednesday, a key step toward the development of a fusion reactor.The breakthr


Sandstorm blows through northern China - Sandstorm blows through northern China
A sandstorm from Mongolia swept through parts of China on Monday, spreading from far north Heilongjiang province to as far south as Shanghai.Despite blowing through a wide area, the storm was weaker in terms of range and intensity than the last sandstorm


Tsai Ing-wen's 'transit' trips through U.S.: Truths and Facts - Tsai Ing-wen's &
In disregard of China's strong opposition and solemn representation, the United States has allowed Taiwan leader Tsai Ing-wen's "transit" trip through the United States and the high-profile meeting between Tsai and U.S. House Speaker K


Breakthroughs bring quantum processing closer - Breakthroughs bring quantum processing closer
Quantum computing could reshape how we solve complex problems and process sums of data previously thought impossible to handle.Quantum computers could potentially solve calculations in seconds that might take today's computers thousands of years.This


Chinese defense ministry delivers remarks on Tsai Ing-wen's 'transit trip through U.S. - C
Spokesperson of China's Ministry of National Defense delivered remarks on Thursday concerning the "transit" trip of Taiwan leader Tsai Ing-wen through the United States. The following is the full text of the remarks:We firmly oppose all for


Taiwan leader's 'transit' through US protested - Taiwan leader's 'transit&#
Protests opposed to the U.S. visit of Taiwan leader Tsai Ing-wen continued on Thursday in New York City, with many people calling for a focus on economic issues instead of helping to arm Taiwan and agitate for its independence."Tsai Ing-wen here is t


Tsai's 'transit' through U.S. strongly opposed - Tsai's 'transit' thro
China is firmly opposed to any visit by the leader of the Taiwan authorities to the United States on any pretext and the U.S.' violation of the one-China principle by having any form of contact with the region's authorities, officials said on We


Chinese researchers achieve breakthrough in high-pressure magnetic detection - Chinese researchers a
A team of Chinese researchers has made a significant breakthrough by developing a platform that has realized, for the first time in the world, high-pressure in-situ quantum magnetic detection based on silicon vacancy defects in silicon carbide.This techni


Huawei achieves breakthrough in EDA tools for chips - Huawei achieves breakthrough in EDA tools for
Huawei Technologies Co said it has successfully developed electronic design automation, or EDA tools, for chips above 14 nanometers process by partnering with domestic partners, marking a crucial breakthrough for China's semiconductor industry amid t


团队取得核仁研究突破 - Team makes nucleolus research breakthrough


中国将通过深化改革促进乡村振兴:总理 - China to promote rural revitalization through deepening reform: premier


国际社会如何从“两会”视角看待中国民主 - How int'l community views Chinese democracy through lens of 'two ses
2017年,来自中国西南部四川省山区阿布洛哈村的第一名大学生吉列·齐日决定放弃工作,回到家乡。作为中国共产党(中共)村支部书记,吉列·齐日带领当地居民脱贫致富。经过吉列·齐里(Jilie Ziri)和他的同乡们多年的努力,这个曾经与世隔绝的小镇已经通过一条铺好的道路与外界相连


科学家在南极磷虾基因组研究中取得突破 - Scientists make breakthrough in study of Antarctic krill genome


上海机场旅客吞吐量强劲反弹 - Airports in Shanghai see strong rebound in passenger throughput


饮食通过肠道细菌抑制肿瘤生长:研究 - Dieting inhibits tumor growth through gut bacteria: study


专家:美国必须透过非洲人的镜头 - Expert: U.S. must look through the lens of Africans
一位美国专家在谈到12月13日至15日在华盛顿举行的美国-非洲峰会时表示,美国应该为非洲人的利益而努力,而不是与非洲人竞争。49位非洲领导人出席了此次峰会,华盛顿中美研究所高级研究员Sourabh Gupta说:“华盛顿必须从非洲人自己的角度看待非洲。”,《中国日报》记者表示。会议讨论了包括粮食安全、全球卫生和教育在内的各种问题


数据在离开中国之前必须经过安全评估 - Data must go through security assessment before leaving China


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