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More monetary policy room seen amid Fed tightening pause - More monetary policy room seen amid Fed t
China's monetary policy will have more flexibility to accommodate the nation's ongoing economic recovery in the coming months as the United States' Federal Reserve has implied a rate hike pause, experts said on Thursday.Rather than cutting


RMB's influence increasing under current intl monetary system - RMB's influence increasing
Chinese currency renminbi's influence is increasing under the current international monetary system, Economic Daily website reported on Monday.Chinese oil and gas player CNOOC and French energy giant Total Energies have completed China's first r


Monetary policy to back real economy - Monetary policy to back real economy
PBOC official says inflation will normalize on demand recoveryChina will continue to implement a prudent monetary policy to support the real economy, and there is no basis for long-term deflation or inflation in China, an official from the country's


Fed should take a leaf out of China's normal monetary policy - Fed should take a leaf out of Ch
China's holdings of United States Treasuries fell to $859.4 billion from $867.1 billion in December, the sixth consecutive month of decline and its lowest level since the global financial crisis.China is not the only country selling off U.S. debts. A


中国将提高货币政策的针对性和有效性:高级官员 - China to make monetary policy more targeted, effective: senior official


货币政策,尽管美联储采取了行动,但今年市场仍保持稳定 - Monetary policy, markets seen stable this year despite Fed Reserve acti
尽管由于美国联邦储备委员会(Federal Reserve)近期收紧货币政策,中国今年不会完全免受全球市场更高波动的影响,但与其他市场相比,鉴于中国经济复苏前景更加坚定,中国的货币政策和资本市场将相对稳定,专家们表示。根据周三发布的会议纪要,美联储官员预计,在该国通胀率持续下降至2%之前,将继续保持较高的利率


专家:多种货币在货币替代品中发挥关键作用 - Expert: Multiple currencies playing key roles for monetary alternatives
在《欧亚评论》(Eurasia Review)上发表的一篇题为《亚洲推动货币替代》(Asia's Push For Monetary Alternativity)的分析中,马库斯·诺兰(Marcus Noland)认为,以美元为中心的国际金融体系可能会演变成多极体系,已经开始采取强化战略,在布雷顿森林机构中争取更大的影响力,同时加倍努力构建替代方案。Marcus Noland是s的执行副总裁兼董事


货币灵活性将很快提高 - Additional monetary flexibility seen soon
专家周四表示,由于美国联邦储备委员会(Federal Reserve)已开始放慢加息速度,而国内经济增长需要更多支持,中国的货币政策可能在明年初有更多宽松空间。他们表示,美联储在周三将利率上调50个基点,而在截至11月的前几次会议中,美联储连续四次加息75个基点,因此,美联储抑制通胀的紧缩行动已开始放缓。美联储紧缩的放缓将缓解


中国人民银行与澳门金融管理局续签货币互换协议 - PBOC and Macao monetary authority renew currency swap


北京货币金融服务业薪酬排行榜:报告 - Monetary and financial services top Beijing salary list: report


经合组织认为,随着通货膨胀、货币紧缩的影响,全球经济增长放缓 - OECD sees global growth slowing as inflation, monetary tightening b


China to keep monetary policy stable
July main inflation barometer up 2.7%year-on-year; high pork prices to blameChina will likely keep its monetary policy stable and on target


RMB liquidity plan boosts stability of monetary system
The Bank for International Settlements announced on Saturday that it and the People's Bank of China have jointly established a Renminbi Liqu


China to prioritize employment in fiscal and monetary policies, mobilize existing assets to boost ef
China will adopt fiscal and monetary policies that prioritize job creation, as part of efforts to keep overall economic performance stable,


Monetary tools seen helping steady economy
Efforts will be made to allow hurting market players to cope with pressureChina will step up use of structural monetary tools to help out su


China to make better use of structural monetary policy tools
China's central bank on Monday said full play should be given to the guiding roles of structural monetary policy tools.Efforts should be mad


Chinese premier stresses maneuvering monetary policy tools to bolster real economy
Chinese Premier Li Keqiang on Wednesday said that the country will maneuver monetary policy tools when appropriate to effectively support th


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