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Chinese-invested enterprises in South Africa hold job fair to pursue localized development
Thousands of job seekers on Thursday swarmed into the Gallagher Convention Center in Johannesburg, where Chinese-invested enterprises in Sou


U.S. trade group sees 858,000 American jobs supported by exports to China
All 50 U.S. states exported goods and services to China and benefited from the 858,000-strong American jobs supported by these exports, acco


求职面试后没回音?你可能做错了这些事(下)10 reasons you didn’t get a call back after a job interview (partⅡ)
求职面试被拒不可怕,可怕的是连被拒的原因都不知道。绝大多数HR并不会告诉你拒绝你的原因,本文列出的10条原因或许能对你有所启发。 [Photo/Pexels]


求职面试后没回音?你可能做错了这些事(上)10 reasons you didn’t get a call back after a job interview (partⅠ)
求职面试被拒不可怕,可怕是连被拒的原因都不知道。绝大多数HR并不会告诉你拒绝你的原因,本文列出的10条原因或许能对你有所启发。 [Photo/Pexels] Y


长得丑也是福?外媒称帅哥找工作更易碰壁Hot or Not? How It Affects Job Interviews
你可能会认为长相英俊帅气的男人在生活中有着天生的优势。但一项新的研究表明,美貌并不总是放之四海而皆准的标杆,至少在找工作时,美貌并不一定能帮得上忙。 长相英俊


能识别“摸鱼艺术家”,还知道谁想跳槽,这是什么老板?Worried About AI Taking Your Job? More Likely, It Will Become Your Boss
“人工智能会取代很多工作”这句话你或许已经听到耳朵起茧了。但“人工智能会成为你的上司”或许还是个新鲜事儿。《福布斯》杂志描述的场景,你可能根本就不觉得陌生。 P


Why I Want a Wife?
aI belong to that classification of people known as wives. I am a Wife. And, not altogether incidentally, I am a mother.Not too long ago a male friend of mine appeared on the scene fresh from a recent divorce. He had one child, who is, of c


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