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Google Glass returns: This time, it's professional谷歌眼镜又回来了,这次目标是企业市场A long time ago, before Snapchat Spectacles and Microsoft HoloLens, there was Google Glass. Google's bold vision of headsets wasn't as futuristic as i


Google is giving the Press Association news agency a grant of €706,000 ($806,000) to start writing stories with the help of artificial intelligence. 谷歌将向英国国家通讯社提供70.6万欧元(80.6万美元)资金,帮助其借助人工智能进行新闻写作。Th


Google will be hit with a record fine for abusing its monopoly over internet search on Tuesday, seven years after the EU began investigating the technology giant.在欧盟对科技巨头谷歌展开调查的七年之后,谷歌将于周二因其在网络搜索行业的垄断行


昨天,中国的世界围棋冠军柯洁在乌镇对战了谷歌的人工智能AlphaGo,最终以失败告终。A computer wasn’t supposed to be able to beat a grandmaster at the ancient game of Go for at least another decade. But AlphaGo, an artificially intelligent syst


Original Folk Tale of the MooncakeIn the 14th century (AD 1280-1368) in the Yuan Dynasty of Genghis Khan, mooncakes helped bring about a revolution. A Chinese rebel leader named Liu Fu Tong devised a plan to arouse the Chinese people to ris


上帝创造父亲God & Father
 When the good Lord was creating fathers, He started with a tall frame. And a female angel nearby said, "What kind of father is that? If you're going to make children so close to the ground, why have you put fathers up so high? He won't be


Once upon a time there was a child ready to be born. One day he asked God: "They tell me you are sending me to earth tomorrow, how am I going to live there being so small and helpless?" GOD replied, "Among the many angels, I chose one for y


如何做一名好听众 How to Be a Good Listener
How to Be a Good Listener如何做一名好听众         When I first went to London as a student I sat alone during parties with my glass of wine. I hoped people would think that someone might come up to me and say, “Excuse me! I hope you


A Good Heart to Lean on
When I was growing up, I was embarrassed to be seen with my father. He was severely crippled and very short, and when we would walk together, his hand on my arm for balance, people would stare. I would inwardly squirm at the un-wanted atten


I “Heard” the Love
When I was growing up I do not recall hearing the words “I love you” from my father. When your father never says them to you when you are a child, it gets tougher and tougher for him to say those words as he gets older. To tell the truth,


Interview the God 与上帝对话
"Come in," God said to me, "so, you would like to interview Me?""If you have the time," I said.He smiled through His beard and said: "My time is called eternity and is enough to do everything; what questions do you have


A goodbye kiss 永别之吻
The Board Meeting had come to an end. Bob started to stand up and jostled the table, spilling his coffee over his notes. "How embarrassing.I am getting so clumsy in my old age."Everyone had a good laugh, and soon we were all telling stories


Watch the world go by与世界擦身而过
我们大多数人,难以静静地坐下来,看着这个世界,与这个世界擦身而过。为什么不呢?有什么重要的事不能延后吗?是什么电子邮件一定要此刻回?我们的灵魂忙碌奔波时,生活就会离我们远去。我们不断地思考未来,错过了身边美丽的风景。I was sitting outside my


Let yourself go!尽情生活
几年以前,我收到了来自怀俄明杰克森霍尔的一位朋友寄来的一张明信片, 他写道“我正在尽情地滑雪!” 我想他的意思是,他正在娴熟地、愉快地、平静地且自信地滑雪。但我滑雪时却总是胆战心惊。虽然我从不幻想自己能那样滑雪, 我的确向往尽情的生活。我相信多


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