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Nearly 98 pct of China's farm produce meets quality, safety standards
Spot check results showed that 97.7 percent of agricultural products in China met quality and safety standards in the first three months of


HK bids farewell to mainland medical workers
Hong Kong communities on Thursday said goodbye to about 400 Chinese mainland medical professionals who have worked in the city for almost tw


Nation mulls mission on far side of moon
Probe may be sent to collect dust, rock from lunar back, space official saysChinese scientists and engineers are considering sending a robot


China looking at sending robotic probe to far side of moon
Chinese scientists and engineers are considering sending a robotic probe to collect dust and rocks from the far side of the moon, an ambitio


Technology makes Xinjiang farming more efficient
With the help of technology and automated agricultural machinery, spring plowing in the Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region this year has becom


U.S. gun violence survivors far more likely to have pain, substance use, psychiatric disorders: stud
Gun violence survivors are far more likely to be diagnosed with pain and substance use and psychiatric disorders, and suffer financial conse


排面儿!日本送别大熊猫“香香”,海报纪念章都安排上了……Japanese bid farewell to beloved Panda Xiang Xiang
12月末,日本上野动物园明星大熊猫“香香”将被送返中国。 得知“香香”即将回到中国的消息后,日本很多“真爱粉”表示“无法接受”。 日本东京上野地区举办各种送行


We Allegedly about a million years ago we became humans as result of evolution.Then we spent 900 thousand years learning to make and use tools; Again another 90 thousand years getting acquainted with fire and its usefulness;Again 9 thousa


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