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Facebook has selected Meitu for its AR abilities to help it catch up in animated photography. By joining Facebook’s AR Studio as an early beta partner, Meitu will bring three AR camera effects to the Facebook camera soon, it was announced


Facebook says it is working on technology to allow us to control computers directly with our brains.  脸书称,他们正致力于研发一项技术,使人们可以直接通过自己的大脑控制电脑。 It is developing "silent speech" software to allow people to t


The Many Faces of Love
Love.. what is love? A lot of people shared their views to what Love really is, or at least what Love is in their eyes. Perhaps love is just an illusion(幻觉,错觉) . A strong illusion, especially for those who are searching for a purpose


Many Faces of Love
Love.. what is love? A lot of people shared their views to what Love really is, or at least what Love is in their eyes. Perhaps love is just an illusion. A strong illusion, especially for those who are searching for a purpose of life. Is lo


Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827), one of history's most famous and mysterious composers died at the age of 57 with one great secret. Upon his death, a love letter was found among his possessions. It was written to an unknown woman who Beeth


We are not born with courage, but neither are we born with fear. Maybe some of our fears are brought on by your own experiences, by what someone has told you, by what you've read in the papers. Some fears are valid, like walking alone in a


Conquer Fear
To conquer one's fears, one must see past them. To fear is natural; to see past them is heroic. Fear is normal additive to life, symbolizing that there are new, sometimes extraordinary things to come, to face. To be able to see these things


My People
The night is beautiful, So the faces of my people. The stars are beautiful, So the eyes of my people. Beautiful, also, is the sun. Beautiful, also, are the souls of my people.


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