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专家表示,奥密克戎导致严重疾病或死亡的可能性较低 - Possibility of severe illness or death from Omicron low, experts say


罕见的皇家海龟在柬埔寨获救,龟壳严重断裂 - Rare Royal Turtle with severely fractured shell rescued in Cambodia
一个自然资源保护组织周二表示,一名住在柬埔寨西南部戈公省Sre Ambel河沿岸的渔民最近发现了一只几近灭绝的皇家海龟,龟壳严重断裂。野生动物保护协会(WCS)在一份新闻稿中表示,这只雌性皇家海龟严重断裂的外壳很可能是由快艇或采砂船的螺旋桨造成的。消息称:“渔民救出了海龟,并将其交给了当地的WCS保护团队。”


北京面临新冠肺炎疫情暴发以来最复杂、最严峻的抗疫形势 - Beijing facing most complicated, severest anti-epidemic situation since


美国疾病控制与预防中心称,今年的流感季节比过去十年更加严重 - Flu season this year more severe than those of last decade: U.S. CDC


U、 中国外交部长:美国应该从受到严重影响的中美关系中吸取教训 - U.S. should learn lessons from severely impacted China-U.S. relati


外交部:拜登对台言论“严重违反”美国对台政策 - Ministry: Biden's Taiwan remarks 'severely violate' U.S. pol
在美国总统乔·拜登(JoeBiden)表示美国军方将保护台湾免受大陆威胁后,外交部发言人毛周一敦促美国充分理解台湾问题的极端重要和高度敏感性质。毛在每日新闻发布会上说:“中国对美国总统的言论表示遗憾和坚决反对,并已向美国提出严正交涉。”。拜登是在美国参议院外交关系委员会(U.s.Senate Foreign Relations Committee)召开几天后发表上述言论的


美国宇航局的“毅力号”火星车探索火星上地质丰富的地形 - NASA's Perseverance rover explores geologically rich terrain on Ma


China-Arab ties ever-prosperous
While China and Arab countries were economically connected by the Silk Road over a thousand years ago, more recently, the rollout of the lan


Tragedy in Afghanistan should never be allowed to repeat, says Chinese envoy
Zhang Jun, China's permanent representative to the United Nations, on Monday described the 20-year-war waged by foreign troops in Afghanista


Xi sends condolences to Alvi over severe floods in Pakistan
Chinese President Xi Jinping on Monday sent a message of condolence to his Pakistani counterpart, Arif Alvi, over the severe floods hitting


Never-before-seen bronze beast with four wings found at Sanxingdui Ruins
Archaeologists found a mythical beast with four wings during the most recent excavation of the Sanxingdui Ruins in Sichuan Province, the Xin


People warned about severe heat wave
Health authorities in many Chinese cities warned residents not to work long hours outdoors to avoid heatstroke as several people have died i


Shooting at Copenhagen shopping center injures several, one arrested: Police
Police confirmed on Sunday that a shooting attack occurred in the afternoon at the Field's shopping center in Copenhagen's Amager neighborho


Chinese FM to attend several high-level international meetings
Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi will chair the seventh Lancang-Mekong Cooperation Foreign Ministers' Meeting in Myanmar


Shanghai Masters to return-bigger and better than ever
With more stars to watch over a longer period of time, the upgrade of the Rolex Shanghai Masters has served up a major boost for China's pan


Beijing lifts several COVID measures
Beijing announced it would lift a series of COVID-19 control and prevention measures starting Monday, considering the current epidemic situa


China leverages financial toolbox to spur domestic demand
Faced with resurgences of COVID-19 and external uncertainties, China is maneuvering monetary and fiscal policies to spur domestic demand.A S


China leverages financial toolbox to spur domestic demand
Faced with resurgences of COVID-19 and external uncertainties, China is maneuvering monetary and fiscal policies to spur domestic demand.A S


Xi sends condolences to Bolsonaro over severe floods in Brazil
Chinese President Xi Jinping on Wednesday sent a message of condolence to Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro over severe floods that have ca


Biden says Second Amendment 'was never absolute' in gun control push
U.S. President Joe Biden said on Monday that the Second Amendment to the nation's constitution "was never absolute" in gun control push."The


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