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Is There Any Mathematical Explanation for the Entanglement of the Earphones?能不能用数学解释下“为什么耳机老打结”?获得128好评的的回答@Conner DavisThere’s paper I can't find at the moment that analyzes the probability of a length of st


To the surprise of exactly no one, Apple’s new generation of iPhones will not include a standard 3.5mm headphone input. The decision signals the demise of an audio port that’s been used for more than 100 years—and honestly, it’s about t


传说iphone7下个月发售 无线耳机+酷炫蓝紫色 你要入了吗
We are just one month away from the expected iPhone 7 launch and as we get closer the rumor mill is hotting up with what
