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传说iphone7下个月发售 无线耳机+酷炫蓝紫色 你要入了吗

双语新闻  2016-08-10 15:010

We are just one month away from the expected iPhone 7 launch and as we get closer the rumor mill is hotting up with what we can expect from Apple’s latest flagship device. We have reported on previously include a larger battery, increased storage to 256 GB and a dual-lens camera for the iPhone 7 Plus. The Lightning port will replace the 3.5mm headphone jack and there will be redesigned antenna bands on all models. While for the first time for Apple, the iPhone 7 models will be water resistant.
距iPhone 7发售只有一个月左右时间,苹果这款最新的旗舰产品谣传四起、令人心生期待。之前已经报导了电池容量更大、存储量增至256GB, iPhone 7 Plus还有双镜头照相机。闪电传输接口将会取代3.5毫米的耳机接口;所有型号的天线都重新设计一新。尽管是苹果历史上头一次,新款iPhone 7可以防水。


Release date & availability

The iPhone 7 will launch on September 6, 7, 13 or 14. iPhone 7 will go on sale on September, 16. Pricing of the iPhone 7 is likely to stay on par with last year’s models with prices starting at $650.
iPhone 7将会在9月6,7或14日发布。iPhone 7将会在9月16日开卖,定价将会和去年款持平,起价650美元。

Three possible iPhone 7 models
三款可能的iPhone 7模型

Rumors have cropped up sporadically , suggesting Apple will launch the 4.7-inch model, plus two 5.5-inch models named the Plus and the Pro.

iPhone 7 Plus mockup
仿版iPhone 7 Plus

The iPhone 7 mockup comes in a deep blue color, unique to any other Apple iPhone offering, which has been rumored in the past. Other features include the lack of a 3.5mm headphone jack, more subtle antenna lines, dual camera and a second set of speaker holes.
之前谣传称,仿版iPhone 7是独一无二的深蓝色,有别于其它任何一款苹果手机。其它特色还包括不再设置3.5毫米的耳机孔、天线更敏锐、双摄像头、两组扩音插孔。

Wireless headphones or headphones with Lightning connector

The possible new headphones that could be the version that will be launched with the iPhone 7 next month. The EarPods look very similar to the current version with the only difference being the headphone jack connector has been replaced with a Lightning connector.

Other rumored features for the iPhone 7 models
谣传中其它几款iPhone 7特色

A rumored dark blue color has been making the rounds, which is vastly different to Apple’s current offering. While other color rumors include a ‘space black’ version.


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