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  旅行就像是生活,走走停停,每个人看到的风景都不尽相同,怀揣期待,经历未知,一路欣赏和感悟。    今天给大家带来的书是《旅行的艺术》(《The Art of Travel》),作者是阿兰·德波顿(Alain de Botton),1969年出生于瑞士苏黎世的英国著名作家,


美文欣赏:别被悲伤击倒 它将成为你的力量
Seven years ago, my wife and I had to take our five week old daughter off of life support, by far the hardest and most painful decision of our life. Our daughter, Alle Shea, was born with the rare bone disease called Osteogenesis Imperfecta


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