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致命挑战!亚马逊Alexa智能语音助手被曝怂恿儿童摸带电插头Alexa tells 10-year-old girl to touch live plug with penny


XINHUAThis year has been a strange one, hasn’t it? Most of us never thought we’d see a pandemic sweep the globe in our lifetime, yet here we are. We are continuing to fight. We have learned so much over this year. And hopefully, we’re be


谁是哈里斯? 为何拜登会pick她挑战特朗普?
Biden Chooses Senator Kamala Harris as VP Candidate乔拜登选择参议员哈马斯作为副总统候选人The American Democratic Party presidential candidate Joe Biden has na


第三次挑战入主白宫 76岁拜登的履历回顾
Former Vice President Biden Making 3rd Attempt for US Presidency前副总统拜登第三度冲击总统宝座Former Vice President Joe Biden is the Democratic Party's no


Big Challenges "Keep staring, I might do a trick" That's the message on a T-shirt of mine. People stare at me all the time so I thought this shirt would be funny. See, I'm a dwarf.dwarf n. 矮子、侏儒Most of the time people aren't tryin


The hardest thing about being a dwarf is dealing with people's reactions. Sometimes people seem to think I'm invisible and they'll do stuff like cut in front of me in a line as if I'm not even there. And one time I was with about five


              How High Can You Jump?   Flea trainers have observed a predictable and strange habit of fleas while training them. Fleas are trained by putting them in a cardboard box with a top on it. The fleas will jump up a


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