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拜登当选总统忙着抗疫 川普忙着推翻大选结果
Biden Works on COVID-19, Trump Dismisses Election Results拜登当选总统忙着抗疫 川普忙着推翻大选结果American President-elect Joe Biden is moving quickly to set u


选情胶着! 选票统计中 川普: 我赢了, 不然法院见
Trump, Biden Locked in Close US Presidential Race特朗普和拜登在美国总统大选中势均力敌Election workers in the United States continue to count votes from the A


美国大选: 拜登领先优势扩大 川普开始布置后手了
US Election: Biden's Lead Grows, Trump Starts Legal Actions美国大选:拜登领先优势扩大 川普打响法律战The closely fought presidential race in the United States e


A majority of the country(the US)thinks it's time for Donald Trump to log off, and never tweet -- at least not from his personal Twitter account.美国多数人认为,是时候让唐纳德·特朗普注销账户,再也不用推特了,至少不再使用他的个人推特账户


What Are You Most Worried About In A Trump Presidency?川普当上总统后你最担心的是什么?获得12.3k好评的回答@Thomas FriedmanWhat worries me the most is that people are playing around with big systems today. “The EU, I'm tired of it. Let's get


下载量涨177倍的这张照片 是如何让川普火的?
If you’ve been following this year’s US presidential race, chances are you’ve seen the above photo of Donald Trump more than once. Wire service Getty Images just declared it their most popular election photoever, downloaded 177 more time


After the 2016 election’s outcome shocked roughly half the nation two weeks ago, outraged and confused Americans blamed misleading pollsters, the media, and for the first time ever, social media outlets like Facebook for helping to create


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