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“I want to become a woman in my next life,”said Alibaba founder and executive chairman Jack Ma at the 2017 Global Conference on Women and Entrepreneurship, “to have two kids and nurture two startups instead of a big company.” “下辈子想


Emily Temple-Wood was 12 years old the first time she was trolled online. They left ugly comments on her Wikipedia and Facebook pages about her looks “that would make my mother’s hair curl,” says Temple-Wood, now 22 and in medical school


When Ayumi Saito was 22 she broke up with her boyfriend, but the Tokyo resident found an easy way to fill the void left by her ex lover's departure.  来自东京的亚由美西户22岁时和男朋友分手了,但她发现了一个简单方法,能填补前任离开后的空虚


女性对哪些来自男性的话最反感 上
"Are you wearing that?" "If you're taking me out somewhere, and you see me with clothes on, then yes, I'm wearing that. This is not a hologram outfit under which I'm actually naked and about to get dressed in something you wo


女性对哪些来自男性的话最反感 下
"You look tired." "This makes me irate! (And I never say that word!) This is never okay! No one ever wants to hear that, especially a girl. We already have enough problems trying to keep things sucked and tucked in all day let alone you te


女性参与交易决策 承担风险会小些
Whether it is a married couple choosing a new car, two friends buying a holiday or business colleagues investing in stoc


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