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英语时事  2017-05-10 15:330

While musical La La Land (2016) bagged six Oscars on Feb 26, its Oscar for Best Picture was taken away at the last minute. Presenters (颁奖者) for the award took the wrong envelope onstage and when the mistake was corrected, the best picture award actually went to Moonlight (2016).

If La La Land had won, it would have been the first winner of the award since Million Dollar Baby (2004) to focus on telling a woman’s story.
如果《爱乐之城》获得了最佳影片,那它将会是自电影《百万美元宝贝》(2004) 后,首部获得该奖项的女性题材电影。

While people may wonder how long the stretch (一段时间) will be until a similar film really does win the award, it’s a good symbol of where women stand in movies right now.

Lately, movies focusing on women have been overlooked in the best picture category, despite their actresses picking up awards on their own.

And none of this year’s winning movies were directed by a woman.

“It’s the latent (潜在的) sexism (性别歧视) that’s the biggest problem,” says Angie Fielder, a producer on the Oscar-nominated (提名) drama Lion (2016). “It’s there. It’s under the skin of everything.”

According to recent research by San Diego State’s Center for the Study of Women in Television & Film, women hold around 17 percent of “off-screen” jobs, which include powerful positions like screenwriter, director and executive producer, all of whom have the power to shape a film’s story.

Yet Fielder and producers of the year’s other best-picture Oscar nominees (被提名者) hope that change is not just on the horizon but already here. In the past year, Walt Disney Studios hired two women to direct movies with budgets over $100 million (688 million yuan). And five of the nine movies nominated for the Best Picture Oscar this year had female producers.

The producers say that these choices are a step in the right direction.

“It’s a conscious (有意的) decision to really question each hire that you make and consciously try to bring people in that don’t look like you,” says Moonlight producer Adele Romanski. “That’s how you start to have a ripple (涟漪) effect.”

Beyond this, it seems that the mentality of studio bosses that ignores women or limits their choice of projects may be beginning to change. The bias (偏见) against women directing certain genre (类型) movies – horror (恐怖片), thriller, action and science fiction – has been a long-standing problem in Hollywood.

Ava DuVernay, director of A Wrinkle in Time (2018), an adaptation of a classic fantasy novel, knows it better than anyone else. “Nobody who looks like me has ever made a movie like this before,” DuVernay says. “And because I am black and because I am a woman, I’m going to bring a different perspective (观点) – because I’m an artist and I’m doing what artists do. I’m bringing myself.”
电影《时间的皱纹》(2018) 改编自经典奇幻小说,而导演艾娃•杜威内则比任何人都更清楚上述偏见。“没有一个像我这样的人拍过这种类型的电影,”杜威内说道。“因为我是黑人,因为我是女性,所以我要提出一个不同的观点 —— 因为我是名艺术家,我在做艺术家们所做的事情。我在展现我自己。”


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