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Imagine you're given a test with 20 simple math problems. You have 5 minutes to solve as many as possible - and the better you do, the more you'll get paid. When time's up, you're instructed to drop the paper into a shredder. But it�


Scientists want to be able to genetically engineer humans so that they do not get diseases. 科学家们希望能够改造人类基因从而使他们免于病痛。 That is the conclusion of a new report from two of the world's most elite scientific institutions


昨天,中国的世界围棋冠军柯洁在乌镇对战了谷歌的人工智能AlphaGo,最终以失败告终。A computer wasn’t supposed to be able to beat a grandmaster at the ancient game of Go for at least another decade. But AlphaGo, an artificially intelligent syst


囧研究:文化人不愿生孩子 未来人类IQ会下降
The genes that predispose people to attain higher levels of education have been in decline over the past 80 years, and researchers are suggesting that they’re now under negative selection, which could have a big impact on our species in th


In 1931, Winston Churchill predicted that within 50 years the world would "escape the absurdity" of raising a whole chicken on farm and instead grow parts in lab.  1931年,英国首相温斯顿·丘吉尔曾预言,50年内,人类将不需在农场里“荒谬”地


A Woman's Tears" Why are you crying?", he asked his Mom. " Because I'm a woman", she told him. " I don't understand," he said. His Mom just hugged him and said," And you never will." ... Later the lit


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