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孔夫子文化的输出 The Output of Confucius Culture

高中英语作文  2020-10-11 01:310

孔夫子文化的输出 The Output of Confucius Culture

Confucius is the famous scholar in the ancient China, who educated a lot of excellent students and his thoughts have influenced Chin【英语翻译学习网(enfanyi.com)免费英语学习网站 快速提高英语读说听写能力】ese education for generations. Today, as more and more foreign people are crazy about learning mandarin, so the Chinese Language Council has set up Confucius Institutes around the world. It is the main way for foreigners to learn Chinese. Every year, a lot of Chinese teachers join the team and they spread Chinese culture around the world. Confucius culture is one of the successful examples to output Chinese culture. It helps the world to know about the real China and it presents the nice and humble image. The Chinese features attract foreign friends all the time, such as Tai Ji and the calligraphy. They are so excited to learn these culture. In the future, more Chinese excellent culture will be output.


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孔子学院 Confucius Institute
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