First of all, part-time job experience provides the opportunities for students to know about what jobs are really like and enhance their personal abilities. What’s more, such experience can help them be prepared psychologically for their future jobs. Second, the part-time jobs can enrich students’ daily life activities and help them to make more friends. If one has friends from different fields, these friends will help him with his personal development in the future. Third, taking part-time jobs can reduce the financial pressure. Many college students still ask their parents for money. This can be a heavy burden to some families. But if the students can do some part-time jobs and make money on their own, the family pressure can be relieved to some extent. Last but not least, part-time jobs can help students to find out their strengths and shortcomings. When they overcome the difficulties, they will become more confidence.
To sum up, doing part-time jobs has more advantages than disadvantages. The students can not live in the ivory tower forever. They will meet the challenges from this cruel world sooner or later. And doing part-time job is the first step to walk in this society.