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约翰尼•德普 Johnny Depp
Johnny Depp, an American actor,film producer and musician, was the richest actor in the world in 2012. He haswon the G


养宠物是项大工程 Keeping Pets Is Not an Easy Project
Haveyou ever kept pets? Have you ever suffered a lot when your pets brought muchtrouble? Have you ever wanted to aband


送学生到国外读书好不好 Is It Good to Send Students to Study Abroad?
In recent year, as people’sliving quality increase, most families are tending to send their children tostudy abroad. T


大学生不应该从商 University Students Should not go in for Business
Due to the mercurial world nowadays, there is an intensifyingcompetition in every field. Admittedly, a few students in


在家吃饭还是到外面吃饭 Eating Outside Or At Home
With the improvement of our life, manypeople choose to eat outside rather than to cook by themselves. However, somepeo


应要求学生住宿 Students should be required to live in school dormitory
Forsome time now, some students have been arguing that they are old enough not tolive in the school dormitory. Given s


网络课程能否替代传统课程 Can Online Course replace Traditional Course?
Since its rise, the internet has been playinga more and more important role in our daily life. From news and informati


看书还是看电影 Reading a Book Or Watch a Movie
As movies are prevailing, more and moreliterature works are adapted to movies. Most people will choose to watch amovie


为大学生活做准备 Making Preparations For College Life
With the end of another college entranceexamination, many students are going to enter the colleges after the summerhol


相亲节目是否应该禁止Weather dating shows be banned
In recent years, manydating shows appear in television, such as “If you are the one” 、“We are dating” . As the increasi


存钱还是提前消费Saving Money or Using Money Ahead
Money is very important for everyone in theworld. Just as the proverb said,” money is not everything, but without money


做志愿者的好处 The Benefits of Volunteering
Every day, we can see the figures of thevolunteers. Actually, they have formed a kind of scenery of the city. Somepeop


学生能否中途换专业Whether Can Students Change Major Halfway
It is quite often seen that many studentschoose the subject but they never attend in college. The reason hide behindth


住在宿舍还是校园外?Living in the Dormitory or Outside the Campus
It is well-known that life in the collegeis freer than any other school life. College students can make choice by thems


幸福VS 金钱 Money is Necessary for Happiness
There is a saying that "Money is noteverything, but without money you can do nothing". Money may not buyhappiness, but


中西餐差别 The Differences Between Chinese Food and Western Food
What people like to eatdepends on the environment and custom. There are two main kinds of food whichare Chinese food a


读小说还是看电影?Reading a Novel or Watching a Movie, which do You Prefer to?
Reading novels used to be a mainstreamenjoyment in the past. However people got more interests in watching moviesthan


中国的地震发生得比以往多了?More Earthquakes Happened in China Than Before?
In recent years, Chinese people think thatthere are so many disasters happened in China, especially the earthquake. The


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