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双语新闻  2022-02-05 22:270

I Am What I Am highlights Chinese folk art –lion dance. BEIJING CHEERING TIMES CULTURE & ENTERTAINMENT

When it comes to Chinese animated films, which titles first come to mind? Big Fish & Begonia, Ne Zha or Legend of Deification?

They are based on Chinese mythology. But I Am What I Am sets its eyes on reality. The film, released on Dec 17, shows three stay-at-home children from a poor village in Guangdong. The story follows a boy named A’juan and two of his close friends as they overcome difficulties in pursuing their dream – becoming the best lion dance performers. As of Dec 22, it has earned a score of 8.3 out of 10 on Douban.

What makes it distinctive is the film highlighting a centuries-old Chinese folk art – lion dance. This is attributed to the director Sun Haipeng’s personal life experience. Sun lived in Guangdong for over 10 years and has been fascinated by lion dancing there. Previously, he was also impressed by a lion dance performance when he was on vacation abroad.

“The performance is exciting and powerful. At the moment, I felt a sudden surge of pride in our national culture,” Sun told Beijing News. As an animated filmmaker, Sun decided to bring this to the big screen.

But it was not easy. Technically speaking, the biggest problem lay in how to vividly present the moves of the head of the lion through special effects, Sun told The Paper.

Different lion heads are made out of different materials. This greatly affects how the hair on the lion’s head moves. So the production team bought many lion heads to observe, photographing the movements of the hair. They then spent several months designing each individual hair on the lion’s head to make it look as realistic as possible.

The music of the film is in the Guangdong style and uses Cantonese. Bands from Guangdong, like Wu Tiao Ren and Jiu Lian Zhen Ren, made music for the film.

With its Chinese-style visual and audio effects, the audience can see the story of the characters trying to realize their dreams while feeling the charm of the traditional culture, Foshan News noted.


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动画电影《雄狮少年》上映后,凭借现实热血的故事站稳了内容的口碑。豆瓣评分8.4,稳居近年来的动画电影前列。 《哪吒之魔童降世》8.4 《大圣归来》 8.3


这两天,一部现正热映的国漫《雄狮少年》备受网友关注。 目前已有超过14万网友在豆瓣上为这部电影打出了8.3分的分数,该片也成为了豆瓣今年评分最高的华语电影。图源:豆瓣 自12月17日上映以来,截止目前,该片票房累计突破一亿。图源:@电影雄狮少年 微博

