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英语时事  2021-04-12 15:550



Chinese and U.S. senior officials have completed the first session of a High-level Strategic Dialogue in Alaska.


Chinese and U.S. senior officials have completed the first session of a High-level Strategic Dialogue in Alaska. 图源:CGTN




The Chinese side is led by Yang Jiechi, a member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and director of the Office of the Foreign Affairs Commission of the CPC Central Committee as well as State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi. US Secretary of State Antony Blinken and National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan represent Washington. It's the first face-to-face high-level meeting since U.S. President Joe Biden took office.






"We hope the dialogue will be sincere and honest," said Yang. Yang stressed the importance of managing differences between the two countries properly and promoting cooperation.





The U.S. side made unreasonable accusations, which was not in line with diplomatic protocol, therefore China made a stern response, the delegation, led by senior Chinese diplomats Yang Jiechi and Wang Yi, added.  




China-U.S. relations have encountered unprecedented difficulties, which have damaged the interests of the two peoples, said Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi, adding that China will not accept unreasonable accusations from the U.S.






Ahead of this key meeting, the U.S. kept pressuring China during its senior officials' recent visits to Japan and the Republic of Korea.






Chinese Ambassador to the U.S. Cui Tiankai on Wednesday met the press in Alaska before the China-U.S. High-level Strategic Dialogue.




“We don't expect to solve all problems in one dialogue, so we don't have anything unrealistic. We hope this can be a beginning, and the two sides will start a process of honest, constructive, and rational dialogue and communication. If this can be achieved, the dialogue will already be successful. In short, I hope that both parties will come with sincerity and leave with a better understanding of each other.






“In fact, this approach is not necessary and not very useful at all. Just like someone who walks at night alone will sing to help increase courage, but it is not of much use. If you have any questions, you should talk to the Chinese side face-to-face directly.”




“And I think that most countries in the world, including some allies of the United States and the U.S. allies in Asia have several big questions. One is whether the United States can truly play the role of a responsible stakeholder in international affairs. The second question is whether the United States is really ready to return to multilateral cooperation and make its due contribution to multilateral cooperation. There is another question. Is the United States really prepared to show due respect to the interests of other countries and listen to the voices of other countries? I think these concerns exist in the hearts of most countries in the world, including allies of the United States, but some countries do not speak up. I hope that the United States can understand everyone's concerns.”






“I believe that the prerequisite for dialogue and communication between any countries is that both sides should have the spirit of equality and mutual respect. The several issues you mentioned just now involve China's national sovereignty, territorial integrity, and national unity. With regard to these core interests, China has no room for compromise and concessions. This is also the attitude we will make clear in this meeting.”




“If someone thinks that China came to snowy Alaska with sincerity this time to make compromise and concession, then I would suggest that my colleagues in Beijing cancel this trip as soon as possible. Why bother to come here? I hope the people with such idea should give up this illusion.”






Far from the U.S. mainland, Anchorage, the dialogue venue, is Alaska's largest city, with a population of around 400,000. It is a transit point for some U.S. flights to Asia and was a technical and refueling stopover for Chinese flights to the U.S. before the opening of direct flights between two countries.




According to U.S. media reports, Beijing and Washington share a similar physical distance from Anchorage, a fact that reflects the mutual reciprocity between the U.S. and China. The Alaskan city has also been relatively successful in bringing COVID-19 under control and boasts a high vaccination rate.




Harbin, capital of China's Heilongjiang Province, is Anchorage's sister city. The cities have a history of friendly relations for more than 30 years.





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