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双语新闻  2020-05-25 10:270

Students sit in on the third session of the 13th Beijing Committee of the CPPCC on Jan 10. CHINA DAILY

Every year during the two sessions, the members of the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), also called national political advisors, will collect opinions and suggestions on China’s political, economic and social issues from the public.

Although students are not CPPCC members, they still have a chance as model CPPCC participants to share their insights at the annual meeting.

Before the two sessions, many schools will hold the model political consultative conference as an optional course. During the course, students pretend to be members of the CPPCC and learn how to find problems in society and write proposals.

On Jan 13, Li Jisen, 17, from Beijing 101 Middle School, brought along his proposal to the third session of the 13th Beijing Committee of the CPPCC.

“I have only read about this political system in textbooks before, but now, I can directly see and feel this system and democracy with Chinese characteristics in action,” he told China Daily.

He proposed that more companies should provide students opportunities to experience different occupations. According to Beijing Youth Daily, he had been preparing the proposal since last May, when he noticed there was a need for students to experience work, which would help them plan for their future professions.

He interviewed 63 business owners and found that most of them welcomed students, but for students, there’s no access to the recruiting information.

As a result, he suggested that related authorities should build a platform to help students find work for their future careers.

Li is not the only one to respond to a social issue. Last year, Ding Xiaohan and Cui Zijun, both 17, from Yantai Development Zone Senior High School in Shandong, focused on ecological protection in their hometown’s coastal areas.

Because they grew up by the seaside, they felt sad that their beloved coastal shelter was dotted with garbage and decided to call for more treatment to the pollution in their proposal.

They listed their suggestions by thoroughly studying the current situation and treatment of the local coastal environment. Their proposal was listed in the 2019 National Excellence Proposals.

Ding and Cui said that the process was more valuable than the outcome. “We find and solve social problems through discussions and making proposals,” Ding said. “As model participants, we discovered our responsibility for building a better society. It has encouraged us to care more about the environment and society. ”
丁小涵、崔子钧表示,过程比结果更重要。“我们通过讨论与提出提案,发现并解决社会问题,” 丁小涵说道。“作为模拟政协成员,我们发现自己肩负建设更美好社会的责任。这鼓励了我们要更加关注环境与社会。”


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