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双语新闻  2020-03-07 16:570

Xi Yunwei, a primary school student in Beijing, takes an online Go course at home on Feb 10. BEIJING REVIEW

As the novel coronavirus pneumonia forces students to stay home, online learning has seen a sharp rise among students.

Since late January, China has delayed starting the new school semester and encouraged students to study at home over safety concerns.

The Ministry of Education issued a guideline for universities to organize online classes, with 22 online platforms offering 24,000 courses to students. Online course companies also adopted special measures to meet students’ demands for online learning during this period, such as free courses and online question-answering services.

Besides what has been arranged by your schools as your study routine, what can you gain from online learning? Online courses can offer you a good experience for self-learning.

To successfully learn online, you need to dedicate a significant amount of your time, consistently attend the program, concentrate while studying and fully stick to your learning process, just as you would do for a regular course.

To stay on track with your online course, always keep in mind what you hope to complete by the end of it. Make a goal. Estimate how much time each task will take to complete. Keep detailed notes and review them often.

A study plan is important to online learning. First, you need to plan ahead with a good calendar system. Online learning needs to be well organized. Create a study calendar that will help you remember all the important dates like online exams or deadlines for your assignments. A to-do list is useful to prioritize your study plan and to stay on track with your studying.

When you feel yourself losing concentration, consider taking a short break or stopping for the night. It is better to wait until you are able to start afresh rather than waste your time trying to focus.

Taking online courses can be very convenient for many people. However, online learning requires time management skills, self-discipline, willpower and motivation, as it may be challenging for online learners to successfully complete their online courses.

As American author John C. Maxwell once said, “Success doesn’t just happen. You have to be intentional about it, and that takes discipline.” Take Maxwell’s advice and make full use of online learning for self-improvement.


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