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双语新闻  2019-10-28 16:360

Students examine veterans’ handprints at a Beijing museum in September. CHINA DAILY

Many of you may have heard stories about patriots. Lin Zexu, for example, an official during the Qing Dynasty, opposed the import and sale of opium and showed determination to fight against invasion. Now, the country calls on us to learn from these historical role models.

In September, the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee underlined the significance of patriotic education in the new era and called on the nation to carry the spirit of patriotism forward through the socialist construction process.

Xi Jinping, general secretary of the CPC Central Committee, presided over the meeting, which reviewed an outline on conducting patriotic education in the new era and a work regulation for Party schools, according to a statement.

Participants called the spirit of patriotism the core spirit of the Chinese nation. The meeting stressed the importance of lasting, in-depth and lively patriotic education among young people, the statement said.

Liu Dongchao, a professor at the Party School of the CPC Central Committee, believed it’s important to promote patriotic education.

“Thanks to the internet, young Chinese could easily be influenced by false and misleading information. To such youngsters, patriotism can provide beneficial guidance and spiritual strength,” Liu wrote on China Daily.

In recent years, China has introduced several measures to promote patriotic education.

The National Anthem Law, approved in 2017, states that the national anthem should be played and sung at primary and middle schools nationwide.

Many schools have also taken action. For example, teachers at the Shengli Experimental School in Hangzhou take students to historical places during the annual spring outings. There, students can listen to stories about revolutionary martyrs and will be asked to produce reflective articles and other works.

“We believe that patriotism is not complicated. It can be perceived or interpreted through one minimal thing or another so even primary school students can make some contribution,” said Lü Liangqiong, director of the student affairs office at the school.

Just as Xi said on the 100th anniversary of the May Fourth Movement this year, patriotism runs in the blood of the Chinese people. “As long as the banner of patriotism is being held high, the Chinese people can unleash great powers in the endeavors to transform China and the world.”


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