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双语新闻  2019-10-15 08:450

People in the counterclockwise: Jean-Pierre Raffarin (honoree of the Friendship Medal) , Shen Jilan (honoree of the Medal of the Republic) and Nan Rendong (honoree of “the people’s scientist” title) CFP

Role models are powerful. No matter what stage of life you’re at, it’s good to have someone who inspires you to be the best version of yourself. Now, thanks to our country’s commendation, we are provided with a wider range of possible role models.

To celebrate the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China (PRC), President Xi Jinping signed a presidential decree on Sept 17 to award 42 individuals the Medal of the Republic, the Friendship Medal and various national honorary titles, China Daily reported. The people who received the awards come from various backgrounds, including scientists, lawmakers, educators, artists, model workers and six foreigners. They have all made outstanding contributions to the nation’s construction and development.

The 89-year-old Shen Jilan is one of the eight people who were awarded the Medal of the Republic. As a lifelong farmer, she is the only deputy in China to serve at all 13 National People’s Congresses since 1954. She witnessed the development of the People’s Congress system. She has been engaged in enacting and amending national laws most of her life. It was she who proposed the clause on “equal pay for equal work” between men and women, which was written into the first Constitution of PRC in 1954.

“I will be down-to-earth and work for the best interests of the masses,” she once told Xinhua News Agency.

Like Shen, Nan Rendong dedicated his life to the country. He led the research of China’s Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical Telescope, the world’s largest radio telescope. He persisted with the project for more than 20 years before his death in 2017. The facility he designed would help humans search for extraterrestrial civilizations and marked a Chinese technological milestone. His great contributions to the development of Chinese astronomy won him the title “the people’s scientist”.

Also receiving awards are six foreign friends who have lent their hands to assist with China’s prosperity. Former French Prime Minister Jean-Pierre Raffarin, an honoree of the Friendship Medal, is an advocate of the Belt and Road Initiative. Having worked to promote the friendship between French and Chinese people in the past decades, he told Xinhua that he is “sincerely pleased” to receive the honor. “To work for this friendship is to work for peace,” Raffarin said.

Indeed, it’s thanks to the great efforts made by these outstanding figures that we can live in a prosperous and peaceful country. Hopefully these role models can light the way for nation building.


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