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英语时事  2019-10-12 08:590





Chinese fans distribute national flags outside the Mercedes-Benz Cultural Center in Shanghai, ahead of the #NBA pre-season game on Wednesday night.














Recently some US officials, lawmakers and media commented on the aftermath of Houston Rockets general manager's Hong Kong remarks, saying that China is increasingly using market prospects and commercial means to manipulate US businesses and force them to renounce their values. US companies should make a choice on this. What's your comment?



耿爽回答:“近年来,外商在华投资营商环境持续得到改善,中国已经连续多年成为世界各国企业最为青睐的投资目的地之一。具体到美国企业,根据我看到的最新调查数据,97%的受访美国企业表示在中国市场盈利,74%的中国美国商会成员企业计划进一步扩大在华投资。如果按照美方某些人的说法,难道这些美国企业都被迫放弃了自己的价值观吗?都遭到了中方的操控吗? ”


"Recent years have seen continued improvement in China's investment and business environment for foreign companies. For many consecutive years China has been one of the most favored investment destinations for businesses across the world. Specifically, according to the latest statistics I have seen, 97% of US companies surveyed say they are making profits in the Chinese market, and 74% of AmCham China members plan to further expand investment in China. Is it possible that all these US companies have been forced to renounce their values due to China's manipulation, as may be seen through the lenses of certain people in the US?"





"I would like to stress that China will, as always, welcome foreign businesses including those from the US to invest and operate in China. We will stay committed to our policy of creating favorable conditions for foreign investment and protecting foreign businesses' lawful rights and interests."




"We will also actively engage in exchange and interaction with the international community with an open and inclusive mind on the basis of mutual respect, equality and mutual benefit. Foreign institutions and individuals are welcome to China for exchange and cooperation."






当地时间10月7日,美国知名体育媒体人,供职于ESPN的史蒂芬•A•史密斯(Stephen A Smith)在一档该公司的NBA分析节目上愤怒谴责莫雷,称他的想法“太幼稚”,也不是他“应该涉及的领域”。



史密斯指出,不负责任地发表自己看法,是“小孩子才会做的事(That's what children do)”,而莫雷已经是一名成年人,“要对除了自己以外的人负责(responsible for people other than themselves)”,不能随便说话,口无遮拦,不负责任,影响到别人的生活。







曾在休斯顿火箭队效力过的前NBA球员莫布里在节目中评论表示“在中国,有6亿人口看NBA,比美国人口还多两亿,人家伸手喂你,你这是咬他们的手。”(You bite the hands that feed you











"I think with this one, it's a leaguewide situation and our presence in China, it's just a different conversation…… I just don't know about Chinese history and how that's influenced modern society and that interaction to speak on it. 




"Something this big that involves the entire landscape of the league and of course with a country like China, like that's something you're not walking into lightheartedly saying stuff off the cuff."





"I think we all have a good barometer of how to focus on basketball when we need to but this is a business, this is about growing the game," he said. "Not only domestically, but internationally and the opportunity that's out there across many countries, including China."  













“I watched this guy Steve Kerr. He was like a little boy who was so scared to be answering the question,” Trump told reporters on Wednesday. “He couldn’t answer the question. He was shaking like, ‘Oh, I don’t know.’ He didn’t know how to answer the question. Yet, he’ll talk about the United States very badly. I watched Popovich. Sort of the same thing, but he didn’t look quite as scared actually,” Trump said. “But they talk badly about the United States, but when it talks about China, they don’t want to say anything bad. I thought it was pretty sad actually. It’ll be very interesting. And yet to our own country, they don’t — it’s like they don’t respect it,” Trump told reporters at an event in the Roosevelt Room “I said, ‘What a difference?’ Isn’t it sad?”




“They have to work out their own situation,” Trump said.




















Dear Mr Adam Silver,




Thank you for your statements. They are clear enough, but we believe that you could reflect some more on the issues involved.




Over the last three decades, the NBA has gained enormous influence in China, and through basketball we have seen how sports can bridge the cultural differences between China and the US.




We are glad that you recognize that our two countries have different political systems and beliefs. As an institution with global business and influence, that recognition helps the NBA to deepen ties and promote understanding with different cultures.




But you still need a better understanding of China, a huge market for your organization. State sovereignty, national integrity, and national esteem, these are mainstream values in China, with largest consensus among all Chinese people. They are also the core concepts recognized by the whole Chinese nation.





In history, Chinese civilization, like others, suffered from invasions and conquests from the outside, yet it is the only one that survived all the catastrophes. One of the most important reasons for this is the Chinese people’s sense of unity. Wherever a Chinese person goes, in whichever country or region he/she resides, love and passion for the motherland ties us together.




Those ties define the Chinese nation. We are open to the world and willing to learn from other civilizations. We welcome people regardless of race or religious belief. The Chinese nation is not based on blood, but on culture, on the recognition, love, and appreciation of our common home, China.




We respect freedom of speech, and we defend people’s rights to speak even though we do not agree with their viewpoints. However, as in the United States or any other Western country, freedom of speech has its limitations; Discrimination against the vulnerable, prejudice based on color, race, or religion, and the so-called “defense” of certain figures that committed anti-human deeds in history might all lead to trouble, even criminal charges.




For Chinese, supporting those who seek to carve up the nation is also taboo. We respect these as the boundaries of freedom of speech in Western societies, and we hope the West can also respect our boundaries.




Basketball runs deep in the hearts and minds of our two peoples. At a time when the divides between nations are becoming deeper and wider, we hope sports can help to narrow these divides through mutual respect, instead of widening them via irresponsible words.





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