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带你了解戏外的“艾莉亚·史塔克” 全世界观众都偏爱的95后女孩!

美文阅读  2019-07-09 22:330

神剧“权游”最终季更新了第二集,而第二集开播没多久,“二丫”便火速上了热搜……虽说,“二丫”的扮演者麦茜·威廉姆斯 (Maisie Williams) 先前在上节目的时候,说过“二丫”最终季第二集要领盒饭……但其实,那不过是来自演技派·二丫的愚人节玩笑~那么这次上了热搜,难道“二丫”在第二集中真的发生了什么事???咳咳,先别着急给原作者马丁爷爷寄刀片,其实,是大战的前夕,二丫谈恋爱了!在这条劲爆的感情线中,二丫的恋爱对象是多年好友·打铁匠·大牛·前国王的私生子·詹德利……

带你了解戏外的“艾莉亚·史塔克” 全世界观众都偏爱的95后女孩!

One reunion in GOT particular still gives us the happy kind of intensity — Arya and Gendry. These two have been separated since Gendry was kidnapped by the Brotherhood and sold to Melisandre, but being back together again proves that their childhood crushes have the potential to be more. And, the final season's second episode delivered on that potential in spades.


Though Arya is meant to be 18 years old this season — which HBO conspicuously confirmed via Twitter on Sunday morning — she was just 11 years old when introduced on the first season.

And so many fans were simply taken aback, uncomfortable with the idea of Arya acting so grown up.


带你了解戏外的“艾莉亚·史塔克” 全世界观众都偏爱的95后女孩!

But some fans were thrilled with the development, considering Arya's close connection with Gendry on seasons two and three. The show also teased a romance after the characters rekindled their connection on the eighth season premiere.




Williams’ wide-open options are all the more intoxicating set against her childhood in the city of Bristol, England, where money was tight. There was also some early darkness, a situation she’ll hint at without quite explaining. She grew up in a family of four kids, with a mum working in university administration, who had split up from her dad and remarried, and she says her birth father is not in her life. She moved out at age 16 — not to get away from her family, but simply to get some space for herself after sharing a room with two sisters.




带你了解戏外的“艾莉亚·史塔克” 全世界观众都偏爱的95后女孩!


She was so young when she got the part that she hadn’t really decided to be an actor yet. She had intended to become a dancer, but was recruited by an agent who spotted her in an improv class. Arya was her second-ever audition. “I remember looking around the room at all of these really pretty girls and feeling really scruffy,” she says. “I remember being so humiliated and knowing there was something about me that wasn’t right. Before that, I’d auditioned for ballet schools and stuff, with my grubby tights and crooked teeth, and all these stage kids were like they were in an advert. Even that young, I could feel that.” She grins. “But for Arya, it’s perfect. That was exactly what they wanted.”

后来的事情大家都知道了,“二丫”这个假小子角色让她出演影视处女作便一炮而红,获得多座奖项。除了电视剧之外,她也出演了电影处女作《堕落》(The Falling)。

还有戏剧处女作《我和你》(I and You) 。但成名也让她放弃了不少东西,比如学业,比如正常孩子的青春。她没有时间参加任何普通中等教育证书的考试,片约一个接着一个:在“权游”之后,她还要出演一部漫威电影《X战警:新变种人》。

Williams does not have any GCSEs: she was predicted to gain high grades, but didn’t have time to sit them and her family decided that this was an opportunity she would never get again. She has acted in other TV shows both during and since finishing Game of Thrones, and will soon be playing Wolfsbane in The New Mutants, a Marvel superhero film that will be the final instalment of the X-Men series.


“Recently, I’ve had a chance to just live my life rather than living my life in front of people, and then telling them about it, you know? I feel like that’s basically how I spent my adolescence. I was living the life of an actor and then talking about it, but not actually ever feeling like I had lived a day in my life.”



虽然在各种机缘巧合下成为了演员,但“二丫”已经有了清晰的职业规划和人生目标 —— 她想成为像新晋奥斯卡影后奥莉薇娅·科尔曼(Olivia Colman)那样“真实的人”。

Williams would like a career like Olivia Colman’s, with a lovely late surge. She was thrilled to see her winning an Oscar and looking like “a real person. Because I am so over it, I’m so over going to the cinema and seeing…”


I want to watch movies with real people, I want to see faces that are a little rough, not airbrushed. Otherwise I just sit in the cinema and feel bad about myself.






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