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英语时事  2019-07-09 22:110

Avengers: Endgame marks the end of an extremely successful film series. MARVEL STUDIOS

“Part of the journey is the end,” says Tony Stark in the latest Avengers film, Avengers: Endgame. The film came out in Chinese mainland cinemas on April 24.

Like the title suggests, it’s the end of the series – but it’s also the end of a decade-long ritual for fans and the actors themselves. In closing, the series leaves behind some big changes in Hollywood.
正如影片名字所示,这部电影是该系列的结局 —— 同时也是漫威迷和演员们长达十年的旅程的终点。落幕之际,该系列为好莱坞带来了巨大的改变。

Since the franchise’s first movie, Iron Man, was released in 2008, many more characters have joined the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) – Captain America, Thor and the Black Panther, to name a few.
自该系列的首部电影《钢铁侠》于2008年上映时起,越来越多的角色加入了漫威电影宇宙 —— 如美国队长、雷神、黑豹等等。

The franchise helped to change the face of blockbusters –and Hollywood itself. Each new character’s story joined the others’. “It’s not just the way films are made that has been altered,” UK-based entertainment website Digital Spy commented, “the MCU went further than creating a string of sequels. Instead it created a web, the ‘cinematic universe’ of its name.”
这一系列改变了大片的呈现方式以及好莱坞本身。每个新角色的故事都和其他角色串联在一起。“不光是制作电影的方式被改变了,”英国娱乐网站Digital Spy 评论道,“漫威电影宇宙进一步创造出了一系列续集。它编织了一张名为‘电影宇宙’的网。”

The sequence of their stories has paved the way for Endgame, the grand finale.

It also changed the lives and careers of the actors, who kept returning to their characters. “Every couple of years, like clockwork, I’d know it was Marvel time,” said actress Scarlett Johansson, who plays Black Widow. “It was almost like being part of a family.”

Many directors have contributed their talents to the 23 installments of the overall story. “It’s a grand experiment that could have failed at nearly every step,” said Joe Russo, who has directed four MCU films. “If one or two of these movies don’t work, the whole thing is over.” Fortunately, they all worked. Endgame is like a trophy for all of their efforts.

For fans who have spent the past 11 years looking forward to the next Marvel movie, it’s a different kind of end. That anticipation and satisfaction have become a part of their lives. They now need to find something new to get excited about.

Stark’s words couldn’t be truer. We’ve enjoyed every part of the journey, including this final stop.


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